There has been a lot of media coverage over the past few years regarding the amount of real estate foreclosures across the nation. Of course no one wants to take part in a foreclosure. For a homeowner it is a grinding, stressful experience that will complicate your life and can ruin your credit r...
Although the U.S. housing market continues to struggle, many local markets are doing significantly better with some areas sidestepping the bust altogether. According to national real estate figures, since 2006 when pre-recession home prices were at a peak, several large metro areas have seen home...
To put it simply, “buy and bail” means buying a new home, and “bailing” on the mortgage payments of your old home, effectively forcing the old home into foreclosure. But in practice, there is nothing simple about it. When Do People Buy and Bail? In today’s real estate economy, a lot of people fi...
Choosing a mortgage is one of the largest financial decisions you’ll ever make, and it is a debt that will stay with you for many years. There are 4 things you should consider when shopping for a mortgage. 1. Clean up your credit report It is estimated that over 50% of credit reports have mistake...
We’re not saying that staging a home is something that men can’t do well, but in the battle of the sexes, this is one area where women usually come out on top. Here are five reasons why. 1. It’s All In The Details Women generally pay more attention to details than men. Women will take the time ...
Finding a buyer for your old home can be difficult enough, but finding a buyer who can offer payment in time to finance your new home and mortgage can be near impossible. Some sellers need time to complete renovations on the home they’re purchasing before moving in, and others just can’t get the ...
First impressions mean a lot – especially when you are getting ready to place your home on the market and hoping to get the best offer for your property. Before you take that big step and have your home listed, try a walk through yourself as if you were a prospective buyer or better yet, invite a...
Many people assume that men are better negotiators, but nothing could be further from the truth. When it comes to the delicate art of negotiating real estate fees, women possess some innate skills that can definitely give them the upper hand. 1. Knowledge Is Power The most important part of any ...
It’s something you don’t even want to think about, but with the current economic climate bringing home foreclosures to an all time nation-wide high, being informed about your options in case of a job loss or other financial misfortune can help keep the wolves away from your door. If foreclosure p...
Selling a house always presents many challenges, but when you need to get your home on the market in a hurry, having some insider knowledge will give you an edge on the competition. Insider knowledge doesn’t mean having some underhanded way of attracting potential buyers, it means using time-test...