A lot of discussion is going around about what banks and are doing with short sales and the "legal liberties" they are taking and its got me fired up. I am sitting here on a beautiful Saturday morning looking out at Pikes Peak from my bedroom window and yet my blood pressure is steadily increasi
I need your help. This is a serious issue and I don't want this to happen you you. So I have to come clean Its not me that is getting sued. But some agents are going to be. Its a new twist with short sales and is unknowingly putting agents in a position to get sued by either their seller or t
If you are scratching your head to the relationship with HAFA, HAMP and the 17th Amendment to our Constitution that's okay...just hang with me because this point is important to understand as a US citizen and someone involved in real estate. And with the recent 4th of July festivities, and being
Can I find a drug free, sober BPO agent? Are some BPO agents on heavy illegal medications or are properties magically appreciating 50% in 2 months? How can I explain why some values banks are getting are WAY overvalued. I don't know about the drug part but what I can tell you is sometimes we'r
So you either are reading this because you want to see who the idiot is and don't believe me OR you just liked the picture. Either way it caught your eye...and its TRUE there are situations where the lowest offer can be in the sellers BEST interest (real life example below). Or said another way
I was reading an article in the local paper in Colorado, the Colorado Springs Gazette, about the incoming US Air Force Academy class of 2015. This article reminded me of a young unsuspecting boy years ago that made that crazy decision go to the Air Force Academy. The article talked about how ov
I hate this issue and it drives me NUTS! Ouch...and everyone I know hates this issue too. And most agents end up eating some or all out of their commission. Well below are a few tricks that work! And with over 400 short sale closings under our belt we know they work. Basic 101: When a first
We get a lot of questions about 1099Cs from sellers and agents. So are they good or bad? Absolutely positively 100%, every day of the week, 24/7/365.25, 1099C's are GOOD! Why? Here is an IRS flyer you can download from our membership site to prove it But here is a quick overview: Scenario 1) W
I was talking with an agent this week that had one of her short sale files reviewed by the real estate commission in her State. Due to insolvency rules for the IRS (stay tuned to our next post for details on IRS pub 4681 regarding how the lowest offer may be in the sellers best interest) her cli
This is a Question we get a lot. Should an Agent negotiate down a deficiency? Well, an agent represents the fiduciary responsibility of their seller and in our book that includes the impact of a short sale, whether that is 1 day or 1 year after the short sale. As an agent representing a seller