A little Friday Fun ActiveRain Style! Just wanted to make sure no one misses the mischief Richard Yates is up to. It's a Staging challenge (5 in all) but it's not just for stagers! It't for everyone! So, come join the fun and participate in Richards Contest. You will have some fun and learn a...
Sights, Seasons and Scenery from South Central WI, Sunflower Daze! It's wordless Wednesday and if a picture can say a thousand words, these words are of the most colorful kind. Sights, Seasons and Scenery from South Central WI, Sunflower Daze!!
Preparing A Property For Sale In South Central Wisconsin, Just How Far Did I Go? Appealing To A Younger Generation in Lake Mills WI. From this,.... To this,.... No longer an out dated cave. Now this home has the rustic charm of the cottage on the lake. But it also appeals to the younger famil...
Monday Morning Motivation,... How Bad Do You Want Success? It's Monday Morning time for a fresh new week. Are you ready? Do you have a plan of action layed out? Team pumped and ready? Maybe this video will help! Wishing you all a focused and successful week! Monday Morning Motivation,... How...
Funny, I just stopped by Debb Jan's blog to have her whisper a little ol' video secret in my ear and was delighted to find this video help! For all of you agents that are smart enough to be using video in your business, here is a little help from my friend! Now, go over and say; "HI" to Debb an...
A Little Friday Fun From Your Favorite Jefferson County WI Realtor, Backyard Theater! Living in Jefferson County WI, we are blessed with cool evenings. Time to eat on the patio, entertain with friends or create a wonderful outdoor retreat for the family. I found this photo and thought it wou...
Wordless Wednesday,... Really? Celebrity Sighting? Right Here in Jefferson County WI? Well what do you know? Wordless Wednesday,... Really! Tow-Mater! Right Here in Jefferson County WI!
Did you know,... That if you don't take time to refresh and rejuvenate your body, spirit and mind your energy will zap you into doing just that? Take that time or crash and burn. That if you don't make a call, send that e-mail, set up that search, nothing will happen? Take that time or cra...
Over the years of being in Active Rain I have come to respect some for many reasons. Bill and Liz Spear are two I hold in high regard. In reading this post I think you will understand why. One of the reasons I love ActiveRain is for the very reason Bill and Liz mention here. If you have a dif...
A Little Friday Fun From Your Favorite Jefferson County WI Realtor! Kanga ~ Or ~ Roo? Okay, that really isn't the question! But these are; Most of us know a baby kangaroo is called a joey but; Do you know the name of a male kangaroo? A boomer How about the female? a flyer How about how the ...