Diversifying Your Income with Financial Market Research Shops
If you are professional, enjoy interacting with people, have an eye for detail and can accurately and concisely write about your experience, you might consider earning additional income by conducting shops for a legitimate market research company.
There are many different types of market research shops, but some of the most interesting and rewarding are for the financial industry. Sales Quality Group, Inc. has been in business for over 20 years and conducts market research nationwide (including in Hawaii) exclusively for banks, credit unions, insurance companies and investment firms and brokerages.
Learn more about our market research projects, what is involved in conducting in-person and telephone shops, how much they usually pay, and how – besides providing some additional income – participating in these projects can actually help you improve your professional skills, to keep you at the top of your game. Also, find out why realtors and other industry service professionals are often some of the best suited to participate in these fun and informative projects.