Nerdin Gardens: Bay Leaf in Yourself In a few days, I will, once again, make homemade Split Pea & Ham soup. Perfect for those days when we both work late or just feel less than enthusiastic about getting in the kitchen and cooking or grilling in hotter temperatures. I freeze most for later use. T
Happy Father's Day to All, Especially My HEROES! Ironing my dad's Army fatigues when he was still active military, was the least I could do for a decorated Vietnam War Veteran. Thank you for loving my mom and taking on 7 kids, sacrificing your wants and needs to ensure we had what was necessary
It's NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY! Taking a natural approach to gardening means physically pulling weeds that crop up almost daily. Otherwise, intended plant material gets choked out or taken over by invasive creepers. A few minutes a day can make all the difference! Besides, you can bond with n
The 11th Hour Tarry Stay was well-reknowned for putting things off, as she easily lost interest in most everything. From knitting projects to portrait paintings, that were strewed throughout the small, cramped 1-bedroom apartment she leased. Perhaps, with more space, she thought, I could get orga
Life is like a bowl of Nerdin Gardens cherries...Yu-um! 🍒 In a world where uncertainty can rule, when visiting Nerdin Gardens, what you see is what you get. No guessing or overpromising and if lucky, growing season will be in full swing, you'll have a take-a-way or two, in hand. Zero chemicals, o
Golfweek Names Top 10 Utah Public Golf Courses Every year, Golfweek names the top ten golf courses in every state. This year, seven of them are in Washington County, Utah and I am not surprised one bit! I put a star and place number next to the courses that were picked. Southern Utah Golf Courses
Easy DUH's it! 🤣 How many times have you done something silly or tried looking for the phone in your hand or the glasses perched on top of the head? It's as easy as walking into a room to get something and forgetting immediately, so you have to backtrack to the starting point to try and remember
Sticks and Stones and All ThatThe saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." was used to dismiss taunting and teasing when children were bullied on the Elementary playground. It created a sense of empowerment.Cyber-bullying on social media is the adult version th
When Karen Comes Calling... High pressure sales tactics are a thing of the past for good reason, but some telemarketers have a problem with the word, NO! And so it goes with a recent phone call... "Hi, this is Karen. How are you Wanda?" "Fantastic and you?" "Fine. We’d like to buy the home y
You Can't Make A Cat Walk Backwards! Working toward strengths with a can-do mindset, achieves set goals. Like a cat, it's better to focus on agility by adapting quickly to circumstances rather than being stuck in old, daily routines or the only 'one way' of doing things. It tends to be counterpro