Yes, you read that correctly. Within the last 18 months, 40% of the top brands have joined their forward-thinking comrades in the mobile app arena. According to recent statistics from Distimo, as reported by, a powerful 91% of the top 100 brands in the world now have “a presence ...
Our newest participants in Smarter Agent’s Free MLS Branded Mobile Application program are our friends in beautiful El Paso, Texas. I reached out to Jason Sanchez, Director of MLS & Technology for Greater El Paso Association of Realtors®, and asked him why they decided to take their MLS mobile....
Julie Mansfield of Southbridge Greater Savannah Realty recently contacted us to share that she is working with a new real estate company. She wanted to learn about the process involved to update her real estate mobile application. A change like this for a real estate professional requires a compl...
As you walk the kids around your neighborhood today seeking out tricks or treats, you’re bound to notice the houses where you’re knocking on doors amidst ghouls and goblins. If you’re in the market to buy a home or are just curious about home prices, the most difficult first-step is finding the r...
“Helping Connect the Consumers to our Agents” Another MLS that has joined the Smarter Agent Free MLS Branded Mobile App program lies in the great state of Alabama. I was given the opportunity to interview Tammy Owen, Technology Services Director for North Alabama Multiple Listing Service, Inc....
Imagine if you will: men in custom suits and ties, women fashionably dressed in skirt suits and high heels, shined shoes, spotless ties and dresses. Shaking hands, fast-talking business. No, this wasn’t a set built for “Madmen” and the advertising world in the Sixties, but rather the 2011 98th ...