If you are anything like me, you worry about the safety of your children, Who they associate with, who they are around, and most of all WHO OUR NEIGHBORS are. After all if we don't look out for the safety of our children who will! I find this site very useful, I even used it when I bought my o...
It just so happens that I work with Exit Realty Associates in Port St Lucie, FL. How I got so lucky I will never know. Let me tell you MY story..... In April of 08 my husband and I decided to buy a home in Port St. Lucie, working with my Realtor Cindy Jenkins, which worked for Exit Realty, mad...
This is the only Snow we get in Florida SNOW WHITE!!!!!!! I was asked to do a winterization on one of my REO homes, and I had to get a Snow Removal Bid from 3 companies....I had to laugh at that one, and call the bank and tell them even if I wanted to get a bid, there is no one here that even...
Well they say that one person can make a difference, well I think I am up for that challenge and put this phrase to the test. With the government bailout looming over head of us, it does not change the fact that people need us as Realtors now more than ever, people need, (yes I said NEED)our h...
To all my fellow football fans, this post is for you! I love Fall, and I also love the Football season, I know most blogs are about the Real Estate Industry and I feel that we need to take time out for ourselves and our family, and do something together that everyone enjoys, our thing is footbal...
I know that most of you are already using Vista Print, but here is a link that will give you free shipping on orders over $30.00 a pretty good deal. I have used them many times, just BEWARE that at the end of your transaction it tells you that you can earn $10.00 off of your next purchase, dont...
Banks: No exceptions for short salesNEW YORK - Sept. 22, 2008 - Increasingly, sellers seeking short sales are encountering a new twist.Lenders are agreeing to let some short sales go through, but they want the home owners to sign a note promising to pay some or all of the balance due - debts that...
OK so here I am the "NEW" agent, July 16, 08to be exact, the newbie for sure, I was struggling to find my place in this market, which I might add has been somewhat difficult, and I thought I would get started in doing BPO's just to get me going and not to mention making a little extra on the si...
Already I see that many individuals take pride in how "greedy" they can be in this business, what kind of car do you drive, how much money is in your bank account, how many socialites do you mingle with, yes that may be of some importance, but is it really everything. I think not, others may not...
FLORIDA REAL ESTATE Look at the BIG PICTURE! Look up there, that is the wonderful state of Florida, one of the state's leading in the FORECLOSURE market in the U.S. today! Yes that is Florida! Opportunities are here my friends, they are in wings waiting. This is a buyers market without a do...