Sharon's Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Real Living Realty Unlimited - SL3212755
When I first joined ActiveRain I was just looking for another outlet to get my name and face out there.  So I started to Blog, meet new friends, and BLOG, gain some very valuable information, and oh yeah BLOG, but still I would wonder where is this all going?  Well now I can say that Active Rain....
 Is your buyer one of the MANY looking for that "Perfect Home" in the Sea of Foreclosures?   There is no doubt that just about more than half of the properties shown are in some sort of Foreclosure process, making the process a more difficult one to understand for your buyer. As a Realtor we have...
I myself am trying to figure out the most important question of all>???? Will this REALLY help the homeowner out, or delay the inevitable? The state of FL has issued a 45-day halt on foreclosures, that is if the foreclosure process has NOT already been started, I am also hearing that now a coalit...
For your information.  Check this over before you buy gift cards for Christmas.  Local Stores Closing This is an unbelievable list.   If you have any "gift cards" from these stores, make sure you use them, or you will lose them! Watch those store money cards and gift cards.. and credit slips!  St...
I got an order from them, it does not state how much the order is and I am not even sure if it is a BPO or what it is, I can not get a response from them either, just wondering if anyone has done any work with them. Thanks! Sharon Fleming
While watching CNN **my life line :)   I heard something that I have to 100% disagree with.  I REALLY would like to get your opinion on this one!  CNN Analysist state that Home Builders should stop all building until the Foreclosures/Short Sales/Vacant homes are absorbed by the current market.  S...
I posted a blog a couple of weeks ago stating that some Homeowners are purposely defaulting on their loans to get a piece of the "Bailout Pie".  Well listening to CNN last night, they stated that fact:  Homeowners ARE defaulting on their loans to try and get some sort of break.  As stated on CNN ...
I am sure that you are well aware that there are home buyers out there, that are in their home because they work hard, make their payments on time, and could afford the loan they took out on their home. But now where are they left?  OUT in the cold I say, I have seen many people that are consider...
I got the BLUES............ The BPO blues that is....I was getting approximately 10-15 per week, sometimes more, and now I am lucky if I get one or two per week.  I am sure it is due to the governments "bailout" package and many loans not going into foreclosure anymore, but what gives?  Wont they...
I know you must be thinking what I am thinking, I HOPE THIS turns into an REO listing :)  Well.....I do, BUT, there is always something to stand in the way of something sounding TOO good to be true.  Please keep in mind that this BPO is in St Lucie county in South Florida while reading this: I wa...

Sharon Fleming

Realtor, Port St Lucie-Florida
local_phone(772) 501-9835
smartphone(772) 501-9835
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