Sharon's Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Real Living Realty Unlimited - SL3212755
We wear our Realtor Pin with Pride.  We Actually WANT you to come up to us and say hello, see that pin, it says we are Approachable, or does it?  What sort of message are we sending to others looking in?  Do we always dress the part?  Is there such thing as ever having a "day off", in my opinion,...
So the courts in Ohio are requesting that you supply your own paper!  Are things actually that bad?!??!?  Wow what a mess we are in, when I read this I was just amazed, whether we realize this or not, I do think that if we have come to this, we can not even supply paper to the courts then yes my ...
What is it that makes me sane? In all the talk of Recession, Bail Outs, Stock Market down, etc. etc. etc.....I have a few things in life that I do take the time to STOP, enjoy life and actually think that we are not guaranteed tomorrow, so why waste today! I love to play video games, yes me....Do...
So yes my friends we paid 165 million dollars to the execs at AIG again.....This just makes me so upset! AIG states that these bonuses were agreements made previous to the bailout agreement. Well I think it is time that we get MAD and do whatever means necessary to let them know that this is NOT ...
And just like that, the foreclosure proceedings came to a standstill.Desperate times call for Desperate measures, correct? In a last ditch effort for homeowners to stay in their homes and to stall or even halt the foreclosure process, the homeowners are now reaching for any last ditch effort to ...
  With no where else for the blame to go, it is now being placed on the Realtors. What was the role of the Realtors. Could it possible be that there ARE Realtors that do place the Client ABOVE the commission. I know it sounds hard to believe....(according to the recent reports) But yes there are ...
The very first thing I was told when I became an agent, was to get an ACTIVE business plan, one that I worked to improve each and every day.  My business plan is working for me, thus far.  Active Rain is a very important part of my business plan, and it is something that I work everyday. It has ...
  So exactly how do the banks "Pick & Choose" which homeowners to help? Do they pick straws? It sure does seem that there is no Rhyme or Reason pertaining to which homeowners are in need of their assistance. With the new assistance program stating that one monthly payment can not amount to no mor...
City of Port St Lucie has indeed been hit hard with the Foreclosures and all of the Short Sales. But is this a reason for our county to be declared in a State of Emergency? This would be a first of its kind, in an economy like no other. Just as we are declared in a State of Emergency with a Hurri...
Just sharing something that touched me! The Sack Lunches   I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my  assigned seat.  It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a  good book to read Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought.   Just before take-off, a line of soldier...

Sharon Fleming

Realtor, Port St Lucie-Florida
local_phone(772) 501-9835
smartphone(772) 501-9835
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