Antioch CA – In a recent blog posts, I discussed how banks throw out a short sale file if it is rejected. When an offer comes in on a short sale, it takes 30-60 days for a person at the bank to look at the offer. Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoi...
Antioch CA – We received an email from another agent named Mark that shows how the flawed short sale process causes banks to lose thousands. Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure. Here is the email from Mark. “I have been working on a ...
Antioch CA – In 2010, an agent I know talked to the person at Bank of America in charge of the Loss Mitigation Department. He was the top manager in the department that handles short sales, loan modifications, and foreclosures. He contacted this agent because agents were banding together to ed...
Antioch CA – In many cases, short selling your home and then renting or buying it back is considered mortgage fraud. Because loan modifications are so difficult many homeowners are considering selling their home and then renting it from the new owner. Many homeowners look at this as the be...
Antioch CA – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Roberta. Here was her question. “A company has talked to me about short selling my home to them and they will then rent it back to me. They will allow me to buy it from them after my credit is repaired a few years do...
Antioch CA – The most likely reason why a bank would accept to issue an extension on a short sale is because the bank prefers to do the short sale over the foreclosure. This is a reason why your agent needs to continue to tell them on why the short sale will be beneficial during the entire proc...
Antioch CA – Under normal circumstances, banks are not required to extend the closing of a short sale. The last thing a buyer would want to hear is that their mortgage lender can’t perform especially after waiting for a number of months to buy a home. Click here to discover how other sellers...
Antioch CA – You can hire a real estate agent if you want to, but it’s not a necessary step to get preapproved for the short sale. I help my sellers get preapproved but not every short sale agent offers this type of service because we don’t get paid to do it Click here to discover how other ...
Antioch CA – Despite the fact that the Cooperative short sale may help the borrower leave the home without some of the negative aspects of a foreclosure, it has its drawbacks that you may need to consider before you decide to explore this option. Below are some of the drawbacks: Click here t...
Antioch CA – A cooperative short sale may be a good option depending on your situation. But, you need to remember that Banks are not in the business of making life easier for its customers, much less anyone trying a short sale. Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short ...