Step back and look at your fireplace objectively. Is it dated? In rooms that have fireplaces, the fireplace is normally the focal point of the room so ask yourself "Is my fireplace a good focal point?"If your fireplace has dated brick paint it....please! I know it is scary. I know you may like it...
It seems as though it is either a love or hate response when I ask that question to my design clients.The #1 reason people tend to not like them is "My mess will be out in the open for everyone to see." Or...."I will have to keep them neat all the time and that will be too much work."I get that, ...
Well the great thing about area rug rules is that you can break them! Really, it does come down to personal preference for both size and style but I want to address some common size options that you have. Although it is personal preference, I do believe there are times when a room can look odd if...
The St Paul Winter Carnival is great family event and there is still time to catch some of the activities. This is a great yearly event and I have to sadly say I just haven't taken the time to attend any of the events the last few years. What was I thinking? There is so much to do and it is just ...
I was at a home yesterday doing a Home Staging Consultation and I ran into an issue that I see over and over again. Lack of light!Plain and simple.....buyers do not like dark houses. I think you could look at hundreds of feedback comments on homes and never see "The house just had too much natura...
You know that time of year when you just put your Christmas decorations away and you haven't brought your normal stuff back out? Your house is looking a little bare and maybe you are liking the uncluttered look. Or maybe you can't wait to get everything back out and in it's right place. This is t...
Is there a certain food or cookie that brings up memories of Christmas past? A visit to Grandma's house? A favorite cookie that Mom made at Christmas time only? It may be something that you didn't even like but it still brings a fond memory. One that makes you feel like you have 'come home' when ...
On my last post I showed photos of a farmhouse that I designed from the ground up. Not everyone has the luxury to buy or build a new home but they like the farmhouse look that has been made popular by Chip and Joanna Gaines of the hit HGTV show "Fixer Upper". If that's you, know that you can achi...
The farmhouse style home is all the rage right now, made famous by Chip and Joanna on HGTV's show 'Fixer Upper'.I just had the opportunity to design a farmhouse style house from the blueprints up, and then stage it. What a fun experience and may I say I want this house!It has elements of rustic b...
Houses are just tired sometimes and need some new life. That was the case at this property in New Hope, MN.Most of the changes were very light cosmetic things. Paint, flooring and new lighting. The kitchen and bathrooms did however get a full makeover bringing them into the current decade.Take a ...