We all seem to make them...New Year's resolution to achieve some big goal. Have you ever stopped to think that your house may have them too?Let's start with the most popular resolution. LOSING WEIGHT!Is your house bursting at it's seams? Way too much 'stuff' crammed in the basement, the closets, ...
I'm not sure why Peanut Brittle is associated with Christmas but it seems as though this is the time of year when most people make it; or you see the boxed version in the stores. I grew up making Peanut Brittle every holiday season with my Grandma and my Mom. Watching the candy thermometer until...
As a Home Stager I get that question a lot. There is a very short answer....Absolutely!Christmas is a widely celebrated holiday that most people understand. If it is your tradition I don't feel that you need to put that aside just for selling your home. The potential buyer will most likely also c...
If you haven't noticed, succulents are really in right now. There are even stores having succulent parties to pick your containers and plant them right at the store. I do like them and although it is really tough to kill a succulent, I can do it. This real one sat in my Mom's condo unattended whe...
Specifically let's talk Master Bedroom bedding. When selling your home the master bedroom and bath is the second most important area in the house in my option, the kitchen being the first. If it comes down to your home or your competition's......the buyer will probably pick the one with the nices...
It is....a post about doors! And no it's not a construction post, ha. I recently was on vacation and one of the places we visited was Carmel-By-The-Sea, California. I fell in love with it!! And one of the main reasons was because of the doors. OH MY GOSH! I seriously could not stop looking a...
This looks SO yummy and SO easy. I would completely ignore how many calories are potentially in this salad but it has to be healthy since it is fruit right? Haha This will look so patriotic for your 4th of July picnic or backyard BBQ. Red, White and Blue Cheesecake Salad SERVES 16 | ACTIVE TIM...
When selling your house, if you can see through it, it must sparkle!Let's look at the list:Windows: That means inside and out, all levels of your home and yes the screens too. Your home does show better without the screens at all so clean them and put them in your storage area.Dirt, grim, winter...
Have you ever seen a blue porch ceiling? Maybe looking up and thinking "well that's pretty". It is pretty but there is a history behind them.When I designed this farmhouse style house I wanted to do some unique things and you don't see the blue ceilings much in the north as it was originated in t...
If your house is like mine was as a kid....there are hard boiled colored eggs everywhere come the evening of Easter Sunday. There is that special time of dying the eggs with your kids, then there are all the egg hunts where more are collected (they used real eggs when I was a kid, do they still d...