Living in the Philadelphia suburbs

Real Estate Agent - Ivy League Mortgage Philadelphia, Pa
Random thoughts and interests of life in general
I still see and hear so many misconceptions about Reverse Mortgages. Education is the key to making a solid decision. If you or any senior that you know is considering a Reverse Mortgage....get the facts. They can be a lifesaver to some. My husband just helped a couple who owned a first and a sec...
By the Grace of God, my darling hubby and I celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary yesterday. Time really does fly. Not that it's all been fun and games for the past three decades. That would be boring. And weird. I was 19 and he was just 21 when we got married by a justice of the peace. We had ...
There was a glorious sunset tonight and I wanted to share. I just took these photos tonight across from my home in Village Walk of Bonita Springs. It was perfect! With all the rain we have had recently due to hurricane season, our lakes are full to capacity. There was a beautiful soft cool breeze...
This started out being a response to comments, but I got long winded so I went with the blog post instead. After a few questions about my Meoo card and what the pictures mean, I thought I would explain if anyone cares to know. My husband, daughters and granddaughter ... obvious My dog ... obvious...
This is my version of a Moo Card.                         I have a hobby. I like to make my own business cards. I tell myself that it comes from the creative geek that's deep inside trying to get out. True or not, that's what I *tell* myself.  I guess I get bored. I've always wanted to fit *every...
Well, Fay is on her way to Bonita Springs / Naples area in Southwest Florida! It has been cloudy all day. It has been raining on and off and a little bit breezy. It actually feels great! I got to take Gracie for a nice walk in between rain bouts. I am almost finished doing what I can do. Everythi...
 I'd like to share some of Pastor Paul's sermon from yesterday. I will make a few key points that stood out to me. He talked about being thankful. That we need to focus on the good and not the bad. We do that by focusing on Jesus, and not our troubles. When you give thanks in ALL circumstances, t...
                      There is no particular reason for posting these pictures of Bonita Beach in Bonita Springs, Florida other than today is a good day and I thought someone might enjoy a beach scene. (The last shot is from my house at sunset.)  I just took the dogs for a walk and realized how ...
My deep dark fitness secret is that I can not jog. But I secretly want to. I get the part about one foot in front of the other, but I can go about one minute max, and I am dying! I can't breathe. Really. The best way to describe the feeling is this: take a deep breath and hold it. Then try to tak...
Weight lifting is not just for men. It never was. It never will be. I am a gym rat. I enjoy the smell of real iron dumbbells. When I lift weights, it feels like something "concrete" and satisfying. It's not a "concept" or an idea. It offers immediate satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment. ...

Sharon Young

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