This is great information and a reminder that is isn't necessary to pass on those homes that are stuck in the past. In fact taking a good look at them can be a great choice. Avacodo or salmon carpet doesn't effect the Safety or Livability. I like to call these little gems nicely ugly. They have g...
What I Do for MY Tri City WA Buyer I believe it is important to establish expectations for both the buyer and the agent early on. I have a VIP Buyer presentation that I have spent as much time in developing as my listing presentation. I make an appointment to go over this information and educate...
Reward Based Dog Training in Tri Cities WA I am a dog person. Anybody that knows me knows that. I have fostered 11 dogs. They all came to my home with varying degrees of issues. A little patience and some quality time taught all these dogs the basics making them good candidates for new homes....
I have been driving past Thai Garden in a strip mall on Union street in Kennewick for well over a year. I really should have gone in sooner. The food was delicious and the staff was very friendly. The waiter's mother is the cook and he said she cooks seven days a week because she doesn't trust an...
Google+ is huge. I confess I have yet to get the hang of it. I try to post as my team page but I have no luck. I recently googled Kennewick homes for sale and 6 listings came up with their google+ page listed. I want to join that list. I'm hoping Michael will blog about how to use google+ effect...
I grew up close to Chicago and love a good deep dish pizza. To me though it is still something different. It isn't pizza. It's deep dish pizza. If you have to eat it with a knife and fork it isn't the same. Unless I am in Chicago I want a thin crust pizza, and not the kind you fold in half. What ...
Video Tour of 1221 W. 1st Ave Kennewick WA This Kennewick home has been completely remodeled. 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. It has all new cabinets, vinyl windows, pergo flooring, carpets, lighting fixtures and a completely redone bathroom. WOW! Give me a call for a private showing of this home. Shar...
Great Post Lee Ann, Trying to save a nickel people often cost themselves a dollar. It's true about the list price and also true about the time on the market as well. Many times I go to a listing appointment and I have to have the dreaded conversation with the seller regarding repairs that shoul...
6300 Westview Loop West Richland Built in 2007. Just a little TLC will bring it back to life. The spendy new construction down the street has nothing on this home. 3 bedroom 2.5 baths. Raised ceilings. Formal Dining room. Black appliances. Over 2,000 sf and .31 acre. This home is approved for Ho...
Video tour 27804 S. 887 PR SE Kennewick WAThis is no Cookie Cutter home. There is plenty of room with 1.24 acres. Park the boat and the RV! 3 bedrooms 2 bath and over 2800 sf!! There is room inside and out. This home is back on the market. Don't miss out twice! To search all Tri City homes Click...