I have been reading different blogs and articles regarding the importance of education. I have also read various opinions on the value of experience. When you are evaluating the capabilities of an individual, both can be used as a yardstick. If you come across someone that has both, you may disco
Ernie Cabrera posed the question "What do you do?" in his blog. The question involved someone calling you on one of your listings and asking to see it. Ernie tossed in the caveat that the person calling was represented by an agent. Would you go out an show them your listing?There were not many re
Great Italian Food...Minutes from your plate! 954-44 PIZZA (447-4992), Oakland Park, FL Click to View Show "Fast food" has gotten a bad rap lately. The fast pace of our daily lives has often left us at the mercy of national chains when we are seeking a quick meal. Raw burgers are mass produced,
It doesn't seem that long ago. Two young men, tired of the cold DC winters, loaded up the U-Haul and headed to the Sunshine State to find their fortune. One of them had been a mechanic and the other had worked as an assistant pro at a local golf course. Upon arrival, they had enough money to rent
I suppose this will irritate some agents in this area. The market has slowed to a crawl. We do have more houses, townhomes and condos for sale that at anytime most of us can remember. Prices have to come down.I know those of you that bought in 2003, 2004 and 2005 faced a rediculous market. Many o
( Follow up to Reality is like a beignet without the powdered sugar )It would be nice, if lenders realized that they have been a large player in our current housing market. Sounds rather simple, one would imagine that they are aware of their position. Maybe I should phrase that; it would be nic
The current housing market is being described in extreme measures. The media seizes every word shared in a press conference and attempts to put the most dramatic spin on what was spoken. The lenders are scrambling to cover current losses and mitigate future losses. They advise us that the situati
Many years ago, there was a chap that robbed banks. He would commit the crime, get caught, and do the time. Upon release, he would wait a bit and then plan and rob another bank. He would be caught again and the cycle would continue. The gentleman was Willie Sutton. He was interviewed at one point
I thought I was spent. I wrote my "momma, we grew up to be cowboys" blog and settled into a reading frenzy. I discovered the flip side of ego gratification that comes with a featured post recently and I am attempting to visit, read and comment where applicable on all the people that read mine. Wh
Oh, I know your dream was for us to be "Doctors and Lawyers" and such. For whatever reason, we became cowboys. No, we did not ultimately choose that 9 to 5 existence. While most of the people we take care of are eeking out a living Monday through Friday, we opted for the on call, possibly 24/7 li