If you see this bird knocking on your house it's telling you something. This is what the damage starts to look like. This is what happens untreated see below. The reason the woodpecker is attacking the house is it can tell there are wood destroying insects in the home i.e.carpenter ants, ter...
Most common problem I come across during a home inspection is electrical issues. Loose hanging wires, connections missing junction boxes with covers, just covers, extension cords being used improperly(see below) or just outlets and switches missing covers. If your trying to sell a home make the...
CALL TO ACTION-The hearing on SB 111 (see details below) will be held tomorrow, March 15th at 9:20 AM in Room 102 in the Legislative Office Building (directly behind the State House). A large crowd in support of this bill would go a long way demonstrating support among our members. If you would...
The good news is the phone is ringing again. Went to an investors meeting on Wednesday night and 60 new people was packed. If this year is anything like last I’m sure I’ll be inspecting more foreclosures than end user sales. In most cases not a problem. However, due to winter...
When inspecting a home for the first time I start with the exterior. As I'm taking it in I'm on the look out for bathroom windows and possible fan vents. If I don't see them I make a mental note to check and ensure they are properly vented to outside air. Bathroom fans not properly vented may l...
First problem, missing cover trip hazard. Second, needs a dedicated NON GFCI outlet. All to often I see pumps plugged into extension cords. Reason you don't want GFCI is what happens if the pump trips it? Ans:you won't know until the basement is flooded. see anything wrong? different angle ...
Don't know if anyone caught this last week but sales of foreclosed homes was up while sales for new homes were down. Investors are buying these homes and flipping them for a nice profit. In addition, when you consider what it cost to build new you can't compare with these foreclosure homes some...
Well you can imagine my surprise when I noticed this furnace had no air all. Well that worked out well. Enjoy,
This happened to me. Had a water pipe that leaked in my new home after about 16 months. What happen was a sheet rock screw was driven into my hot water supply and finally rusted away causing a leak inbetween floors into the basement. The picture here is a water leak in the kitchen closet. Hu...
Here's an interesting one. Someone upgraded the sub panel from fuses to breakers. However, can only imagine what they were thinking. As you see the electrical main 100 amp service runs into the fuse box, left side is ok. However, someone used stranded wire from the supply side to the new fus...