The New FSBO - For Cleveland and Other Snowy Cities! Find Shovelers Before October Unfortunately, I don't have a snowblower. I don't really mind, because I can use the exercise! So today I spent 90+ minutes shoveling 6" deep snow from my driveway. I live on a very busy street, and hundreds of car...
Whatever You Do, DON'T Listen To Your Clients!   Of course I'm kidding, but now that I've got your attention... I may have missed out on the perfect house for clients of mine, because they once told me, "We don't want a house bigger than 2500 square feet. We're downsizing." Taking that to heart, ...
North Olmsted, OH Real Estate Sales 2010 vs 2009 Well, 2010 sure did fly by! Meaning it's time for some some interesting statistics on North Olmsted, OH Real Estate sales! Yes, you read right...I did say "interesting". Don't worry, I'll keep it short and charts or graphs. Just a few hi...
  Want a pick-me-up when you're wondering if ANY houses are selling, because you have a listing or two that no one seems to want to buy?   Well, I just went into my MLS to clean house. Several of my clients, and more than several prospects, have searches that I've set up for them and their result...
If Only Time Had A Fear Of Flying!   My two children recently had big daughter turned 21 last week, and my son turned 18 last month. I also had a birthday last week, but not a "big" one. Let's just say I am now in the next higher age-range on those silly surveys we're enticed to co...
  Sadly, the North Olmsted, OH school levy failed for the 3rd time this year. By 10 votes. But I fell asleep happy, because at 11:30pm we were ahead by 3 votes. Apparently with all 24 precincts reporting. Three votes = my family. Which included my son's vote, who turned 18 last week and was votin...
A couple of years ago, I decided to try marketing my services to sellers whose listings had expired. After about 2 months of sending letters & postcards and making phone calls, I decided it just wasn't my cup of tea. Anyway, today I was cleaning my office, and decided to check out the addresses o...
  Facebook has put me in touch with out of town relatives, keeps me in touch with my kids (even when they're in the same house!) and most recently, brought me a new client. Who also happened to be my high school sweetheart, once upon a time! "Fred" and I met when we worked at the same store. We d...
Although I'm more of a SPRING Into Home Maintenance person, check out these important tips! Since I've just discovered this neat site for us REALTORS®, you'll be seeing more posts like this from me in the future. Lots of very neat stuff! (New!) Appliance Maintenance: Water Heaters Keep your wate...
  Every time I go to my local grocery store, no matter how crowded it is, I find a place to park in the exact same row...and it's one of 5 spots. If you've read The Secret (I'm currently on my 3rd time), you'll know how cool this is! As I drive to the store, I just know there'll be a place for me...

Sue Gabriel

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I like to write about life...real estate, parenthood, my neighborhood...and just about anything else that seems to move me at the time! Web Analytics clicky.init(82783);
