Houses & Mobile Homes for Sale & Rent to Own

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Real Estate Agent - South Carolina Homes Inc. - 29167



$100 / 3br - OFF ALL Monthlies_Rent to Own Homes Today ( Summerville) (Charleston-Summerville)FIVE AVAILABLE!Contact Steve This Morning to Reserve Your New Home.Do a Good Turn Today! Tell Your Friends!!*** $100 OFF ALL MONTHLY PRICES SHOWN UNTIL MAY 31, 2011 !!Rent to Own_Rent to Own_FREE MONTHS ...
3br -3 Minutes to Boeing_North Charleston Cul de Sac_$1240 Mo / $4K Down (LIVE OAKS AT SUMNER) LIVE OAKS AT SUMNER* Already Built Home - Available to Move In Right Now!* BUY NOW FROM US - Take Over Payments Now!* WORK DIRECTLY WITH OUR LOCAL BANK.* THIS IS NOT A SHORT SALE.* YOU SAVE - NO REAL ES...
3br-2 ba_3 Minutes to Boeing_North Charleston Cul de Sac_$1240 Mo / $4K Dow (LIVE OAKS AT SUMNER)LIVE OAKS AT SUMNER* Already Built Home - Available to Move In Right Now!* BUY NOW FROM US - Take Over Payments Now!* WORK DIRECTLY WITH OUR LOCAL BANK.* THIS IS NOT A SHORT SALE.* YOU SAVE - NO REAL ...
SELL YOUR HOUSE IN 7 DAYS (Charleston Tri-County ) SELL YOUR HOUSE IN 7 DAYSFrequently Asked Questions** Q) Are you Realtors® who just want to list my house? ** A) Absolutely not! SCHomeBuyers.Net is a group of real estate investors that buys houses from people like you in neighborhoods just like...
FOUR 3bd_2ba Rent To Own Duplex TownHomes_$2K Down (Park Hill Subdivision) Duplex Townhomes.You Own: the Building, the Front, Side and Rear Yards.** Rent to Own_Rent to Own_FREE MONTHS RENT_Details Here* Additional Benefits96 Hour Price Reduction is Starting Today!!PLUS * FREE $2000.00 Credit Tow...
FOUR 3bd_2ba Rent To Own Duplex TownHomes_$2K Down (Park Hill Subdivision) Duplex Townhomes.You Own: the Building, the Front, Side and Rear Yards.** Rent to Own_Rent to Own_FREE MONTHS RENT_Details Here* Additional Benefits96 Hour Price Reduction is Starting Today!!PLUS * FREE $2000.00 Credit Tow...
Selling a Home PrivatelyCharleston South Carolina Real Estate: When you chose to sell your home privately (without the help of a real estate agent), most likely it’s because you wanted to save some money. Research shows that selling a home privately can save as much as $9000 during the home selli...
Why More People Are Choosing Rent to Own HomesTo make a long term 30 year mortgage on a home in these uncertain times can be a tough decision, so more and more families are turning to rent to own instead of a long term commitment. With rent to own you can still look like you own and feel like you...
129 Boone Street, Summerville, SC View All Properties Contact Information Company Email Contact Us! Apply Now! Home Ownership ApplicationRental Application Phone (843) 883-3934 Property Information * Property ID# 26954 Status For Rent, Rent-to-Own Address 129 Boone StreetHURRY ...
▐►Rent to Own a Single Family Home Today Right Here (Charleston Tri-County) Location: Charleston Tri-County Rental and rent to own Homes_Move In This WeekendSEE ALL AT: Location: Tri-County Charleston