Due to strong demand from my past and current clients and the interest from the prospective clients who might not have been able to purchase a home during the past sellers market, I will be providing you with list of current Bank Owned (REO - Real Estate Owned, and Foreclosed) homes. The list wi
Due to strong demand from my past and current clients and the interest from the prospective clients who might not have been able to purchase a home during the past sellers market, I will be providing you with list of current Bank Owned (REO - Real Estate Owned, and Foreclosed) homes. The list wi
Deb made great argument about why a generic Green Design might not work for all environments. A more indepth study needs to be made and design changed to adapt to unique location in order to reap the most benefit of the Green Home Design... Share the Make It Right NOLA designs - Or Not? Why sh
Jeff Geoghan provided a wealth of information about the 'WHY', 'HOW', and 'WHAT' when building GREEN HOMES for the good. old, USA - and of course, around the world when we look at things globally! Enjoy exploring the options!For the last 25 years, industrious American pioneers have been laying t
I always wonder about the safety of splashing my information on all sorts of Social Networking Groups - ActiveRain, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ...,etc; and I jealously guard who I allow into my networking groups.......... For me, each group serves a special purpose and I try to keep them that w
NEW ORLEANS, LA It is now 3 and 1/2 years since Katrina's 2nd landfall on August 29th, 2005 in Southeast Louisiana. With the unprecedented economic downturn and the excitement of a new President and the New HOPE promised by President Obama, Katrina seems to be a distant past, a fading memory, s
Bay Area Real Estate Information Service (BAREIS) Multiple Listin Service (MLS) just released Marin County Homes Closed Sale Report with Two-Month Comparison for 2007 and 2008. The two months period covered are November and December. The report includes Single Family Residencies, Condo/Co-Op, Fa
The Bay Areas Real Estate Information Systems (BAREIS) Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for Marin County, CA, just released 2008 Year-End Statistics in comparison to those of 2005, 2006 and 2007. A Reminder and/or Refresher - 2005 and 2006 were full blown Sellers Market in Marin County where house
I am so glad Joanne stopped by and commented on my ECO-ALL STAR January Challenge Entry. I included a few stories about GREEN buildings in Marin County, but I did not know about the LEED Platinum Certification for the California Academy of Sciences - right accross the bridge from Marin. So, tha
One of the questions I have been asked repeatly now a days is how do foreclosures, bank owned, short sales, and other properties affect the Marin Housing Market? Are the prices of homes dropping due to increases in pre-foreclosures, short sales and/or bank owned homes? Here is my answer to the