Priority #1 - Keeping Families In Their Home!

Services for Real Estate Pros
Blog Discussions You May Find Here: * We are in the business of helping homeowners save their home from foreclosure. * How we can help Industry Professionals during this time of crisis. * Important Industry Information. * Any kind of uplifting material suitable to improving a mood and causing a smile! * "Stuff" worthy of discussion.
The Not So Sweet Truth Warning: My Health Related Blogs may teach you something you don't want to know.   What you don't know can hurt you. On the Today Show this morning (10/2/08), they discussed a topic near and dear to many parents heart, Breakfast Cereals.   The not so sweet truth is that th...
THE GREAT AMERICAN BAILOUT! So it's been approved. It's a day late (several days actually), but it is definitely not short on dollars. If spead out evenly among all adult American citizens, the cost to each of us is several thousand dollars. Any money coming from our gov't is tax payer money, so...
May I Borrow Your Eyes? May I Borrow Your Eyes? Yes, you read the title correctly... I want to borrow your eyes, and your stories of some of the crazy and/or dangerous stuff you see on America's highways. There are lots of idiots on the roads, and these people are causing more & more Road Rage.....
Meal Time We feed our bodies on average three times a day. Some of us snack between meals. We do this because food provides our bodies with nourishment and with energy. Just as a car needs gas, we need food. We don't even think about it, we know we need to eat. Meal time is a priority, most othe...
This morning, my wife watched a report regarding Booster Seats on TV and we are about to buy one for our 5 yr. old daughter (who is approaching the 40 lb. weight limit requirements for Booster Seats), and we ran to the web to read their report.  We were thinking about buying a seat that is listed...
In today's market, there are four types of Professionals in the Real Estate Industry: Those who are doing well. Those who are getting by. Those who are really struggling. Those who have left the industry. If you are doing well, this blog may not be for you, but...tomorrow is another day, and you...
Dramatic Example of How the Food Industry Lies to You About Corn... If you drink soft drinks, or consume any products made from corn, this is a must read article in my opinion. (I just read this article on and am sharing this very important info with you) "Why Soft Drinks" you ask?  ...
I was reading a blog by BethAnn Long and she was writing about playing house when she was a child.  In her blog she made the following statement:  "Why do we play house? I believe it is because each of us possesses an inate dream of home ownership. From the time we are children we begin wonderin...
Attn: Real Estate Professionals Urgent News: A Solution to the Foreclosure Crisis! There is a cry ringing out loud and clear across this great nation of ours..."Someone please do something about the foreclosure crisis." As a Professional in the Real Estate Industry... Would you like to help your...
When Bad News Becomes Good! Have you ever heard of "The Great American Rat Experiment?" This simple little story provides us a very simple explanation regarding health problems here in America. Rats are scavengers, a part of the planet's clean up crew, yet look what happens to them in this exper...

Gregory Lohr

local_phone(803) 580-5205
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