Should you spend the money on a real estate commission or save that money by selling your home by yourself? That is a question many home sellers ask themselves. Today, we want to discuss why it is crucial to have a true professional guiding you through the minefield of challenges that exist in t...
Absentee landowners that neglect their residential or commercial properties now face a six month jail sentence and $1000 fine. Passed by Columbus City Council, Monday, Oct. 25, Mayor Michael B. Coleman is expected to sign the Disappearing Real Property Owner ordinance into law by week’s end. The ...
According to the Columbus Board of Realtors, home values continue to rise which is good news for central Ohio. The average sale price for the first nine months of the year is $161,204 up 7.4 percent from the beginning of 2010 according to the Columbus Board of REALTORS®. There were fewer homes li...
Ohio has been awarded $320 million from the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Hardest-Hit Fund to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) will administer Restoring Stability: A Save the Dream Ohio Initiative, to help an estimated 26,000 families who are at high risk...
As promised, the latest programs in Ohio's effort to help citizens facing foreclosure were up and running Monday, September 27, 2010. According to Doug Garver, executive director of the Ohio Housing Finance Agency, which is administering "Restoring Stability: A Save the Dream Ohio Initiative," t...
Baking soda is sold for pennies an ounce (and generally less than a dollar for a pound), and it's one of the safest substances that you'll ever use for any cleaning purpose since you can, and frequently do, ingest it. Yet, very few people use it for more than recipes. Instead, most Americans stoc...
September is considered to be realtor safety month by the CBR. However, this is a good tip for all realtors. Be sure to double check your safety. Be sure that who you are meeting to show a home to is legitimate and not setting you up to get you alone. If you are having an open house have someon...
The average American household wastes more than 10,000 gallons each year from easy-to-fix water leaks, adding up to more than one trillion gallons of water lost annually nationwide. Many of these leaks have do-it-yourself fixes that could cost only a few dollars to address. The U.S. Environmenta...
Single Family Home for sale in Hilliard, OH Overview Maps Photos Description $284,900 Single Family HomeFor Sale Main Features 4 Bedrooms2 Bathrooms1 Partial Bathroom Location 4400 Landmark LaneHilliard, OH 43026USA To get updates on open home dates and other property events, please click the "L...
According to a new ranking by Businessweek, Columbus Ohio is ninth in entry-level jobs, unemployment rates and average pay, all factors effecting recent college grads.A diverse group of employers helped Columbus move up a spot from last year. Large companies include Goodyear, Alliance Financial, ...