EXAM TABLES FOR SALE SAN DIEGO / ORANGE COUNTYOrange County Medical Equipment / Used Medical EquipmentExam Table Inventory List - call to order or for more info858-731-7278 getinfo@san.rr.com 1. 104 tables white or grey bases - 11 bases are in great condition. $425 ea.2. 104 tables brown bases -
Sonoscape A6 Portable Black and White Portable Ultrasound MachineOBGYN Portable Ultrasound Machine Sonoscape A6 a Top Performing UnitThe Sonoscape A6 portable black and white ultrasound machine is a popular ultrasoundused for OBGYN, vascular, liver, muscel skelatal and other types of studies. The
Surfers Enjoy Big Waves Hitting San Diego CoastlineA week of monster surf and big waves hit the San Diegocoastline creating ideal conditions for surfers looking to"hang 10" in 70* January weather.Thousands gathered along the San Diego coastlineto see thousands of surfers taking to the waterfrom I
San Diego Medical Beds and Used Electric Hospital Bed for SaleIncluding Hill Rom Advance, Hill Rom Advanta and Stryker MPS 3000 Beds"Hospital Direct Medical" in San Diego carries a wide variety offull electric hospital beds and medical beds including brandsfrom Stryker and Hill Rom, both commerci
Ik Kil Cenote - a popular Swimhole and TouristDestination Close to Chichen Itza Yucatan Mexico The Ik Kil Cenote swimhole is a popular tourist stop justoutside Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins in the Yukatan sectionof Mexico about 2 hours from Cancun Mexico.Ik Kil was the home of the Red Bull Diving Cham
San Diego Hospital Beds Medical Beds for Sale We have a wide variety of full electric hospital beds for salein San Diego including Hill Rom Advance, Advanta and Versacarebeds and also Stryker Secure I and Secure 2 beds for sale allin good working condition. We sell beds refurbished and reconditio
Hill Rom P8005 Transtar Bariatric Stretchers and Transport Gurneys for SaleWe have the Hill Rom P8005 Transtar gurney / stretchers for sale in goodworking condition refurbished and also reconditioned with a 1 year waranty in stock.We also carry the Hill Rom P8000 Transtar stretcher models with 50
Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins in Yukatan Mexico The 8th Wonder of the World in North America The Mayan Riviera provides a wide array of things todo in the Cancun Mexico area and each year hundredsof thousands of guests flock to the beaches and water in addition to their Mayan ruins and ancestory. The
Used AMSCO 2080 Surgical OR Tables for Sale San DiegoWe have 2 AMSCO 2080 Surgical Tables for Sale - one 2080 RC and one 2080 L OR table used in working condition.Both units for sale for $3500 total for both units Both units have remote controls - the 2080 RC OR tablehas a short in the remote and