The Vernal Pools at Phoenix Field in Fair Oaks are starting to come alive. Not quite in their full glory, they are getting there. Here they are in April 2011. You can still see the pooled water which is the key to the amazing proliferation of wildflowers to come as the water evaporates. Then sc
Want to buy a Fair Oaks home? What should your Realtor do for you? After 30 years of working on it, here's the best of what I do for you. First of all, I don't freak out. I just work on solving problems. Well, most of the time anyway. Occasionally I blow a fuse, but I work hard to keep your h
Crosswoods is Citrus Heights best planned development. Technically a PUD, it's generally referred to as a condo association. Whatever you call it, what you have a a delightful community of condo-like homes in a wooded wonderland. Most people who currently live in Crosswoods, discovered it by v
What is the difference between a condo, a PUD, and a townhome? Good question. But, first, what the heck is a PUD? A PUD, is a “Planned Unit Development”. Which is a fancy schmantzy term for a neighborhood with a master plan. The homes may be attached (which we think of as condos), or detached ho
I've been selling homes since the dawn of time - or at least it feels like it. And like death and taxes, I have found there is one guarantee in selling or buying a home. PROBLEMS. You will always have problems. The escrow process has it's own set of problems, and your life will be a lot easier
I have a tough time sticking to anything. Blogging, and why I do it, is no exception. I began to get business. But I have continued for a myriad of reasons. Some completely unexpected. At times, I blog for SEO. I'm learning from Katerina Gasset... analyze your keywords, include keywords in your
Every week, at least once, I’ll get a long face from someone asking me if I’m OK. After all, I'm a realtor, and must be depressed about this market. Right? WRONG. Sellers may be depressed, but for every sad seller, there is an ecstatic buyer. And many of the buyers are buying foreclosures - and w
I sold a home to a safety engineer once. He amazed me with his comments about safety violations in the Fair Oaks homes we viewed. Most were things I had thought of. Hand rails?? Check. Uncovered electrical sockets? Got it. Uneven walkways? Know about that one. Yeah, baby... I got it. But t
Crap! I've turned into a Frankenstein or sorts, with body parts from hither and yon. MY website ... Linda's face ... Shale's email address, and I don't know who's phone number. I'm a mess... at least according to Google. You better check yourself! If you google "Sally Dunbar Realtor" or "Fair Oa
It's rare that you find a Fair Oaks home for sale with a history like this one. Located on 6 riverfront acres, overlooking the American River, this stately Victorian has quietly stood sentinel over Fair Oaks as it has grown from a sleepy turn of the century citrus community to ... well, we're sti