Active Rain & Milli Vanilli.....Realtor Tip! The Ross Group & Potomac Mortgage Watch Video Active Rain & Milli Vanilli?! The Ross Group & Potomac Mortgage By: The Ross Group Run Time: 00:02:13 pmg_flyer_for_file.pdf Fello Active Rainers, I hope your having a great day and enjoy the Active Rain
A bankruptcy filing delivers a devastating blow to your credit and FICO score, but it doesn’t mean you have to wait 10 years before you can qualify for a mortgage. Many consumers who have filed for bankruptcy have been able to obtain a mortgage, although it is often at a higher rate than someone
Mortgage Broker vs. Loan Officer When you're looking to get a mortgage loan, you may work with a loan officer or you may choose to work with a mortgage broker. People often confuse the two job types even though both will glean the same results: a new home. However, it is important to understand
Things to avoid before buying a home Many new homebuyers make the mistake of rushing out to buy things to fill their home with as soon as the seller accepts their purchase offer and the lender pre-approves their loan. But there are still a few major hurdles to overcome before the keys are handed
Are you pre-qualified or pre-approved for a loan?Before you begin to shop for a new home, you should set up a time to meet with me so we can figure out how much you can afford. This will put you in a better position as a buyer. That’s when it is important to understand the distinction between be
Active Rain & Milli Vanilli.....Realtor Tip! The Ross Group & Potomac Mortgage Watch Video Active Rain & Milli Vanilli?! The Ross Group & Potomac Mortgage By: The Ross Group Run Time: 00:02:13 pmg_flyer_for_file.pdf Fello Active Rainers, I hope your having a great day and enjoy the Active Rain
Provided to you Exclusively by Rob Ross Rob RossSenior Loan Officer Potomac Mortgage Group, LLCDirect Line: 571-266-6503Mobile: 703-568-3749Email: Website: For the week of Jan 24, 2011 --- Vol. 9, Issue 4 In This Issue... La
Active Rain & Milli Vanilli.....Realtor Tip! The Ross Group & Potomac Mortgage Watch Video Active Rain & Milli Vanilli?! The Ross Group & Potomac Mortgage By: The Ross Group Run Time: 00:02:13 pmg_flyer_for_file.pdf Fello Active Rainers, I hope your having a great day and enjoy the Active Rain
Mob Money for Gift Funds?! The Ross Group & Potomac Mortgage Watch Video Mob Money for Gift Funds?! The Ross Group & Potomac Mortgage By: The Ross Group Run Time: 00:01:53 gift_letter.pdf how_to_document_your_gift_fund!.pdf Happy Day All, I hope you enjoy the video this week and find it to be
I hope you enjoy the ACTIVE RAIN Video! Enjoy your weekend and be sure to re-blog this video is you love the old school Milli Vanilli! Rob Ross with The Ross Group