Amp up your energy and infuse your business with enthusiasm How is your Business Energy Level right this second. Really, take stock and be honest. Where is your energy level right now for achieving your goals? If you bring energy and enthusiasm to the room, infecting everyone around you, FANTAST
Oh No! An invite to yet another event. What a waste of time... or is it? Wasting time trying to figure out whether the event I've been invited to is worth spending time never mind money on is really starting to get under my skin. I mean really.. how many of these promotions, events, trainings, s
Shrewsbury Real Estate News and Commentary: May 25, 2011 My primary source for information used in this report is provided by MLS Property Information Network, Inc. Links to specific reports will be placed in the article. In the first quarter of 2011, 34 single family homes listed for sale in Shr
I read a blog post today about observing Memorial day and agreed whole heartedly that taking time to really understand what the day commemorates is important. After thinking about it for a bit, I began to re-blog the originating post only to find myself hesitating so I took a closer look and deci
Another Photo Tip I too LOVE the blue sky shot but have to admit that the clouds make for better pictures. I think I'd use the shadowing photos for a halloween poster! Fortunately, Joan at Best View Imaging now does all my photos for me so I don't have to work at it too hard anymore! Clouds ar
Being Photo-Ready is the essential prep work for a listing that will then be showcase ready for the buyers who will come in the door because you took the time, spent the energy & elbow grease and really prepared. The bad news about it is, once you have it Photo-Ready, you might not want to move!W
Are lending guildelines too lenient these days or have we found the right balance? Are you trying to convince Buyers that it's easy to get a mortgage? I received an email from one of the lenders who I get information from suggesting that if you believe that mortgages are difficult to get these da
Craigslist has proven to be a fantastic way to market my listings and this Craigslist Ad Tracker Tool is definitely one I'll be adding to my toolbox! Having said that I'll also say that we have to be very careful about our posts on Craigslist. Durring my first forray into marketing on Craiglist
I love this post. There are times when someone who is not a highly succesful (by $ or volume) agent can offer insight to others in how they might improve their results but LYING about your qualifications to teach is simply WRONG on so many levels. And the practice of using the latest widget/wizb
This is one of the many reasons why I use a professional photographer for each and every listing I take. I could take the time to learn techniques as described below but then I'd be a photographer instead of a Real Estate Agent! when putting your photos in your MLS-Really! Think Goldilocks: TOO B