Rebekah's Social Media & Marketing Roundup

Real Estate Technology - Imagine WOW! Digital Marketing Agency
Specializing in Social Media Marketing, Social Media Consulting and Management, Social Media Training and Content Marketing
As I trek toward the end of 2011, I find myself reflecting on all that transpired.  The many accomplishments that still leave me speechless, defeats that attempted to knock the wind out of me and priceless moments that I’ll treasure forever.  Most importantly, I reflect on the salvation found in...
Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. - Jamie Paolinetti The New Year is right around the corner and with that comes New Possibilities. Limitless possibilities filled with the hope of a better tomorrow and change that will magnifi...
It’s not the presents that make Christmas so special, it is the presence of those you love...even if their heads are buried in their macs, iphones and ipads. The point is that we are together, even if we text or phone from one level of our house to another! Merry Christmas from our house to yours!
  This weeks Roundup of All Things Real Estate offers  a mix of my favorite posts, tweets, tips and tools stumbled upon across the web this icluding your secret sauce to marketing awesomeness! With everything from industry news to sales, blooging tips and business development; you are sure to fin...
We all want it, crave it and are desperate to have it. In fact, the majority of us will spend countless hours and resources attempting to create it. Generating buzz about your business is a critical piece of social marketing. But once you have it, you can't control it and monitoring what is bein...
Tech Tuesday is a series I began a while back and have sturggled to keep up with.  In light of that, I asked my son (who I fondly refer to as my "on call" tech support) if he would like to guest blog and share a few tips with my subscribers.  I hope you enjoy his tips and find them easy to use o...
  As 2011 winds down, many agents find that building a business plan for the coming year is easier said then done. Creating your 2012 business plan may feel like an overwhelming task, especially when you stare face down into a blank sheet of paper. The truth is that treating your business plan a...
    Welcome to the Weekly Roundup of All Things Real Estate where you will find some of my favorite posts, tweets, tips and tools that I stumbled upon this week. So sit back and relax, grab your cup of coffee and catch up on a few of the hottest stories online.. Industry News Fannie Mae, banks ha...
The end of the year is always an exciting time to evaluate and assess what marketing strategies worked in 2011 and which ones fizzled.  As we head into 2012 we should be focused on creating a marketing plan that is both targeted and strategic.  For those that take the time to plan and create a d...
  Twitter can be an amazing addition to your social media arsenal and a great way for friends and fans of your brand to find and connect with you. Learning how to use Twitter effectively takes time and a willingness to understand this "texting to the masses" social site. It can and will grow your...

Rebekah Radice

Social Media Marketing, Coaching & Training
local_phone(818) 588-6548
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Author Bio: Rebekah Radice is a social media marketing, internet marketing and content marketing specialist. Rebekah Radice consults with business professionals to assist with their social media and blog marketing efforts.

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