What's up in NH Commercial Real Estate

Real Estate Agent - KW Commercial NH + Mass
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Manchester area restaurant for sale. Profitable, attractive and making lots of money: http://goo.gl/nQlAq roanld@kw.com or call me 603-836-2700
                                                                                                                        KW Commercial Hosts 2011 Commercial Real Estate Masterminds in Boston   Boston, MA - Are you a commercial real estate broker wondering if "extend and pretend" is over? Are you s...
While local NH new media continues to tell us that the number of the foreclosures are still rising, I don't see that in the Manchester, NH real estate market. Sure more are getting listed, but there are not as many foreclosed homes for sale as last year. It seems like the 1st time buyers have les...
If you live in Manchester, NH and want to access information about how to apply for residential building permits here is your link to the site: http://www.manchesternh.gov/website/Departments/Building/PermitsandForms/tabid/239/Default.aspx Hope these forms help give you some ideas on what you can...
Professional Office for lease in Bedford New Hampshire. Offering 1, 2, or 3 year ofice lease or more. Ideal set-up for Doctor, Finance, Accountant, Insurance, Lawyer & other professionals Reception area with 4 office rooms with kitchen & bathroom. Room size are: 13x13, 19x12, 16x12, 12x10 & 13x8 ...
New Hampshire is generally perceived as a great vacation place. One wonderfulplace to live and work. It is overlooked as a great place to conduct or own a business! With the Manchester-Boston regional airport and two interstate highways one can easily travel and conduct commerce in and out of the...
The city of Portsmouth will give funds allocated from the federal and state government to those financially hit by the economic crisis through the Portsmouth Housing Authority. The Portsmouth Housing Authority protects those who have been a Portsmouth resident or who currently are a resident and ...
On the May 29th 2009 the release by the U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development states, "FHA-approved mortgagees and FHA-approved nonprofit organizations as well as Federal, state, and local governmental agencies and instrumentalities thereof may purchase the tax credit anticipated by the...
A Variance is a request for an exception to current zoning standards set on a particular piece of property. I only use the word exception to demonstrate that a change has occurred to the lands use. For a piece of property to be granted the change of use the owner must first among a few items dem...
MDIA (The Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act) went into effect on July 30th 2009. How this effects you as a consumer is very important to your process in purchasing a home. The MDIA affects those who are preparing to finance their purchase through a home loan. First, The MDIA amends the Truth in...

Ron Fredette

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Straight talk about Manchester-Bedford NH real estate