Jason's Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Business Attorney and Success Advisor
Here's a selection of an email I received which suggests there are some (more) ripple effects from the subprime meltdown.  Anyone up on this news?  I'm always a bit sceptical and I haven't independently confirmed anything myself.  I bolded the paragraph I thought was most important.The Headline I...
This is, in my opinion, worthy of your time if you're at all involved in the mortgage lending business:  http://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/11202007_Title_3_HR_3915.aspAll too often I've seen the industry cry foul when bad things happen...only to wonder where all the protests and objections were be...
I lost a brother not too long ago, so the tragedy that surrounds any death is still a sensitive feeling.  So it was with sadness that I read this account of a Realtor's death.  Not a woman I know (or even heard of before today), but I'm sure she has family and friends who will miss her terribly. ...
If you're a desperate seller, how's this for creative (video link to CNN):  http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/living/2007/10/30/pa.house.for.sale.with.guarantee.cnn.Then again, how about something a bit more reasonable and just as creative (link to my company website):http://cheaphousepayments.com...
Every once in a while I read about top CEO salaries and realize I'm still human and that beautiful Bugatti I've been eyeing will have to wait for another day to own my garage.  Even with dramatically dismal displays of poor performance and unproven proficiency for profitability, some CEO's across...
Centex, a very large home builder, posted a $644 Million loss for the second quarter.  That seems like a huge loss for a 3 month period...but then again, Centax is a huge company.  Considering that their revenue fell 21%, it's still impressive that they're seeing revenue ABOVE $2 Billion!  Here's...
I received a call yesterday from a local bank that caught be by surprise.  I normally don't answer the phone myself, but in this case everyone else was on a line, so I picked it up with my company name and personal name."CheapHousePayments.com, this is Jason"."Hello Jason.  This is [obnoxious loc...
This article from CNNMoney.com puts forward some good arguments why a bailout of the subprime mess isn't such a good idea (at least a taxpayer funded bailout).  Here's a pretty good summary of the whole issue:  "While the subprime market has witnessed considerable stress, the losses in that marke...
This article from Business Week is a well written recap of the circumstances that lead to Bear Stearns multi-billion dollar mishap.  The article is titled "Bear Stearns' Bad Bet" by Matthew Goldstein and David Henry.  It sort of falls under the "more bad news" category, but I believe being educat...
I was at a seminar yesterday put on by a leader of our local Association of Mortgage Brokers.  He stated that Countrywide had (past tense) experienced some struggles but they were too big to go out of business.  That's not the first time I've heard that from someone...and if I had to bet on their...

Jason Romrell

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Business advice and useful information. Not always "on point" with mortgage lending or real estate...but that's BIG business, and knowing how to operate effectively is critical to success.