If you're a business owner and live in the greater Boise, Idaho area, I'd like to invite you to our 6 Steps to Massive Results Workshop this Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. At this Workshop, you'll learn the 6 Steps to Massive Results for your business and you'll walk away with an amazing secre...
CULTURE really does matter. What is your business's culture? If the owner hasn't set it, have the employees? Is the culture best for business, or is it an accident? At ActionCOACH, Brad Sugars has done a great job defining fourteen points of culture that guide the company and the
As a business coach, I help business owners establish their points of culture. It's not always easy to put into words what you "believe" to be most important. ActionCOACH has 14 points of culture which are absolutely part of the fabric of my business and my life. I'd like to share those 14 poi...
ActionCOACH in Boise will be hosting a GrowthCLUB event this July 1, 2008. If you want to take control of your business and make the next 90 days count, this is the event for you! GrowthCLUB will help you identify (or reconnect with) your vision and dreams...where your business should be taking...
I met with the premier photography in Boise, Idaho earlier today. The experience this group brings to professional photography is nothing short of amazing! We're not talking portraits (zzzzzzzzzz....). No, we're talking ART, edginess, sex appeal, creativity, risk and stunning results (and that...
My two daughters opened savings accounts today at a state-chartered bank. The new account manager took the time to walk them through the savings account process, how to enter info in the register, how to use deposit slips, etc. It was a great experience, and probably one that the bigger nationa...
My family just got back from Kung Fu Panda. Another great Dreamworks pic for sure! But the message...oh the message! Believe. Catch the vision. Know who you are and what you are (even if you're not those things)...and greatness is within reach. It's not just feel-good psychobable! The sure...
I gave a seminar today in Boise with a few other business coaches. My section of the seminar focused on the five ways you can absolutely increase profits. It's amazing and it WORKS! As a member of the #1 business coaching firm on planet earth, myself and my fellow coaches have seen the process...
Jeffery Gitomer was in Boise this morning and I had the wonderful opportunity to visit with him for a few minutes. The guy is a LOT of fun to listen to, even though some of his language is a bit colorful (of course, that's part o the fun I guess). His advice was shockingly simple, which really ...
Over the last week I have attended 4 BNI meetings in the Boise area. At each meeting, I've been exposed to businesses and business owners who were previously unknown to me. I've heard from Realtor clients and friends that BNI's "procedures" were a bit harsh...even draconian. Yet, having attend...