I view my life as a journey to be enjoyed and appreciated and I create an atmosphere of fun and happiness so all around me enjoy it as well. Hey...if it's boring, stress-filled or cancerous, then WTF? Where's The Fun?!?! "Work" should be a means to an end. Do you know what your "end" is? Do...
I keep hearing this term "head trash". It comes up almost daily in meetings and on conference calls. Head trash is a pretty graphic image, isn't it? Reminds me of the game "What in Ned's Head?" (my girls love that game). Head trash...a bunch of electrons and synaptic connections that need to ...
Of the four stages of learning (or experiencing life), I recently fell into the second category as it relates to the ever-growing Twitter phenomenon (I'm @upyourbiz...if you're already in the know). The first stage of learning is the "unconsiously incompetent". Think baby. Doesn't know anything...
Ahhh...the power of the RedBox. What a killer concept, right? Oh, if only I'd though of it first! When I was in Japan a couple years ago everything was available through a vending machine. Looks like we're catching up with our overseas friends. Great stuff right? Well...what if you're the l...
There's a wonderful new opportunity coming to Boise, thanks to the brave and exciting vision of Michael & Allison Gillis. It's called the Capital Club, a members-only club where business professionals can relax, socialize, conduct business, grab a hot lunch or a no-reservations evening dinner in...
Consider you're on an airplane flying to some remote island far away. You're comfortably seated in a large leather seat in first class, stretched out with your shoes off, a good drink and a friendly passenger next to you. You can't wait to get to the island and have a couple days of much neede...
Team Work ROCKS! Is team work part of your culture? Can you even have team work if you're a solo practitioner or an independent agent? I say YES. Team work to me is a not just about your business's about alliances, cooperatives, networking groups, mentors and others who enrich my lif...
My friend Nate Wheeler and I participated in our Toastmasters recent Area competition. What a great experience. Nate's category was "tall tales". He told a riveting story about a guy with an accent (what was that accent Nate?) who was attacked by a bunch of ducks while out showing off his falc...
Thank you to Jon Swarthout, the founder and Artistic Director of the Treasure Valley Institute for Children's Arts. Jon has done some amazing things for children in the Treasure Valley, including my two daughters. My girls LOVE associating with Jon and his staff of educators. TrICA recently acq...
I had the pleasure of listening to Joan Endicott this morning. She was the guest speaker at Gregg Saunder's morning meeting (Gregg, by the way, is an outstanding financial planner with Rocky Mountain Financial in Boise, Idaho...). Joan gave a fantastic presentation full of emotion ( I...