You invested in professional home staging. Hopefully, the listing looks great, but if not, that's likely the problem. Poor home staging hurts a listing: at Staged To Sell, we fix bad staging more than you can imagine.If the staging is good then you had an expectation for an efficient, profitable
OUR 3 STEP PREP TO SELLING AN OCCUPIED HOMEUnlike vacant home stages, in which the listings are empty, clean, and unbiased, occupied home staging faces a special set of hurdles.In today's newest blog post we're sharing our three-step process for preparing your client's home (or your own home) for
OUR 3 STEP PREP TO SELLING AN OCCUPIED HOMEUnlike vacant home stages, in which the listings are empty, clean, and unbiased, occupied home staging faces a special set of hurdles.In today's newest blog post we're sharing our three-step process for preparing your client's home (or your own home) for
How can you know who to choose when interviewing home staging companies? What is the standard for professionalism in a completely unregulated industry?First, let's be clear, anyone can see what looks good in a home and what doesn't... As the paying customer, it's only right and natural to expect
Read our latest blog post about home staging and get inside information what you MUST know about the furnishings used by most home stagers.If you have comments or stories on this topic to share, please feel free to post comments!Let's have "The Talk"
The Rule of Four is the term Professional Homestagers use when deciding the maximum number of key furnishings to use in each room.Look closely at our main blog post photo to see a perfect example of what we mean when we say “no more than four.”When extra pieces are added that aren’t necessary, a
Did you know the Master Bathroom is the second most closely judged and anticipated room of a house?!If you are running out of time and money and you need to get a home on the market, what’s the key to a quick master bathroom upgrade?You can make exciting, effective changes, and still work with mo
Selling A Home When the Market Slows Down: Projected Interest RatesLet’s talk about interest rates. The projected interest rates by Freddie Mac indicate almost a full interest point rise by this year’s end. When interest rates rise, the market slows down; it’s as certain as April flowers. Additi
Here’s an important question to ask anyProfessional Home Stager-Have you ever staged a home that didn’t sell?!Don’t be surprised if their answer is YES…in fact it should be!If your home stager is a seasoned professional who has staged many homes over the years, then they’ve certainly staged homes
When it comes to selling your home, upgraded bedrooms, are key!Think about it, bedrooms are where most of us spend about a third of our lives. When your bedroom says “This is a lovely, peaceful place to spend lots of quality time”, that message will be a positive influencing factor in the decisi