Chris Dunham's Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Brokers Hub Realty - SA514778000



Baseball, Aliens and Candy Bars - Its Good News Arizona Episode 12Here is it is, episode 12 of Good News Arizona! We get crazy with CANDY bars and such. WE drop some good news, as we always do that involves the New York Yankees, not LOCAL I know, but a local kid has ties. San Francisco 49er, Ben ...
Buying or Selling - When is the right time to do either in Arizona? The questions we professional Realtors get asked on a consistent basis in Real Estate: When is the perfect time to sell? When is the perfect time to buy? Is the market going up or down? Now, If I had all the right answers, I'd be...
Chuck Norris, the Arizona Rattlers and a Helicopter? Its Good News ArizonaGood News Arizona, Episode 11 comes to you from our beautiful midtown Gilbert headquarters in Sunny Arizona. WE are talking Chuck Norris-ism's. Arizona Rattlers Head Coach Kevin Guy stops by, well kinda. I guess "stopping b...
Arizona Home values remain strong - Values not affected by Covid19As soon as we were knee deep in the Pandemic, I started seeing signs along the roadway, "How has COVID19 Affected real estate values" giving off the impression (at least in my eyes) our market was crashing or on the verge of crashi...
Good News Arizona Episode 9 - All about the Graduates and. More!Tis' the Season to Graduate High School and College. Yet, like so many states, those normal festivities were either canceled and replaced with online "virtual events" or figured out other ways to celebrate with social distancing in m...
Repairing and building your credit for Home Purchase simplified.Hopefully By now you got this! You've watched the first three episodes, here you are at #4 and about the get the rest of the knowledge you need. Once this one is over, call us, let us help you on your path. We have the tools to make ...

Chris Dunham

The Real Estate Guy™
local_phone(602) 321-6188
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