Gilbert Home for sale in San Tan Ranch - Three bedroom home for sale.Located just off Higley and Pecos, in Sunny Gilbert Arizona, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with just under 1400 square feet is almost ready to hit the market! This Coming Soon home in Gilbert has laminate flooring in the great roo...
Is it time to Refinance my current Mortgage Loan or is it not?Oh the never ending debate, to refi or not refi, in Shakespearean world, that is a conundrum. In our world, its an easy answer, as long as your speaking with a seasoned loan officer whos in it for the relationship and care of clients a...
VA Financing for Veterans is easy with the Right Team on your Side!Its all about the Veteran, they served our country, so we can have the Freedom like home ownership. See a Vet. Thank a VET. Period. End of story...but not this one, this episode is all about VA Financing, Traci is the Bomb Diggity...
Understanding your credit - Getting your score higher for better rates and programs. What the heck is credit? What is a FICO Score? Why does everything in our world revolve around credit scores, credit rating, FICO Scores etc? Lets start at the basics, what is credit? Well, credit is defined thi...
The "Home" Physical show on Real Talk USA, Original air date, November 2015Over the years, while hosting my radio show (Real Talk USA with The Real Estate Guy) I tried to engage, empower and educate my listeners with topics that afforded them insight and knowledge, not only about buying and selli...
Brian Morris, of We Fix Ugly Pools, talks about Pool building, & why choosing him, is your best option.Arizona is full of sunshine, this is no shock to anyone. We have a small window annually, where swimming is not an option, unless of course you have a heated pool. (Heating a pool can be costly,...
For your protection. Get a home inspection and other important info Not many home buyers realize it, but they are entitled to a home inspection. It surprises me when I am educating my clients, once an offer is accepted, we have several key items to accomplish during this period. In Arizona, we ha...
How secure is your home? Real Talk USA dedicated a show to Home Security.From RING Doorbells, to ARLO wifi security cameras, the ability to ensure your home is safe, 24 hours a day is easier now than it has ever been. In fact, depending on how your home was built, you can surround the exterior wi...
Its the Lending Process with Chris & Traci in the MorningAnd away we go! Its all about financing for the next 4 weeks. We're going to discuss four types of loan products, that if you qualify for you can take advantage of for your upcoming purchase. Its Chris & Traci in the Morning! Traci Gratzek ...
Chris & Traci in the Morning, wrap up the Home Buying Process with Episode 4Whoop, there it is! 4 out of 4 episodes have dropped. So in this final installemtn, we wrap it all up like a nice package on Christmas Morning. We've taken you from day one to day 30 (or 45, depending) its closing day. Tr...