In the search for funds to close, there is an oft-overlooked source that could be right under your nose - or at least somewhere safely tucked away inside your closet. How about that 1952 Mickey Mantle rookie baseball card? Sound silly? It's not. That baseball card has real value and can be readi
I have to say that lately I have been asked by many that are new to the Tallahassee area, how they go about hooking up their utilities, water, garbage, gas, etc.. and how to get these services taken care of. There has also been many questions as to if the utilities and water are together or separ
Recent indication is that first time home buyers are getting tired of sitting on the sidelines. According to a recent online poll taken by the National Apartment Association, 17 percent of renters plan to make the jump to home ownership in the next year; 41 percent of the 2,041 respondents planne
Hey Guys!! O.K. So I figured this week I would not only find a great article from my favorite Tallahassee Site,, but that I would find some good and beefy information to inform those that are planning on moving to the Tallahassee area! I think that this article that I found hits r
"What do you think about rates ... should I lock in now or wait to see if they fall further?" Think I've been asked that a time or two over the past 18 years? You better believe it. It's a good question-one that goes through every single buyer's head at some stage. A quoted interest rate is no
Add Value to Your Outdoor Area Do you have a back patio that is lacking luster? Have you had people over on cool nights and everyone would rather stay inside? Do you walk outside and think, "This space needs something"? If you can relate to any of the above, this article is for you. A back pati
Ed Brimner, Wakulla County Commissioner has been holding meetings for the past several months to get the people excited about the project he has taken on. This will not only make the community of Wakulla County more beautiful but the residents property value increase. Please take a moment to read
So I will admit I love to visit!! I think that it is one of the best sites to go to to catch up on our cities news and current events. If you have not visited this site before you should definitly take a look, tons of great information. Every time I visit this site I make sure to
Hello again! As I was reading the article's on inman news this morning something jumped out at me that really struck a cord. In this market, your sphere, meaning the people that you know on a personal level, play an elevated role in your business now more than ever. It's important to not forge
Hello All! Our team has been in dialogue regarding open house - the traditional "do they really work" conversations. In this competitive market I am finding that the sellers are yearning for that "touch." On the flip side, statistically open houses rarely sell that house and at best are lead gen