Diane's Blog Log

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Rice Prprty Mgmnt & Rlty, LLC, South Holland, IL - 481.010183
Happenings in the South Suburban Illinois & Northwest Indiana areas
We often get asked to take over management from owners who have tenants being months behind in their rents.  The expectation is that we can somehow wave a magic wand and WHAM!  Tenants get back on track!  YAY! The reality is... property owners need to grasp the fact that tenants are not likely to...
I'M EXCITED!! MY FIRST EMAIL CLOSING IS SCHEDULED FOR TOMORROW!  ALL PARTIES RECEIVED CONFIRMATION TODAY BY.... EMAIL OF COURSE!!!   The above closing has been set as follows:     Date/Time: 4/5/12 at Remote/Email Closing Agent:  Illinois Attorney At Law, PC Location: Remote/Email directly with t...
Let Us Repent, TRULY Repent.   Repentance is not merely "saying" we're sorry, or asking forgiveness. True repentance is discovering that we are very wrong:   So wrong, that our spirit is grieved to the point that we want to undoSo wrong, that we cannot take another step in continuing as we areSo ...
And We Begin Again....   This time with celebrations of gaiety freshly cemented in our minds, we plough ahead. This time, we carry with us, learned instruction - experience we resolve to use... THIS time.   THIS time though, is different.... Time has been lessened.... We cannot use what we appli...
There are historical sleepers emerging out of their intense 5 to 20 year deep snooze.... Awakening in time to discover that completely owning their home was just an illusion!  A fading vision that stopped short of completion, it was just a DREAM, that for some, graduated to becomig a horrific nig...
Wonder WHY things are NOT happening as you believe they should for you?  Ever seem like only OTHERS are realizing their purposes in life, and NOT YOU?? There is a possibility that you need to acquire "substance".   Just WHAT is substance?  Substance is that itty bitty amount of accumulated matter...
It occurred again!  An inquirer called with an elaborate saga of justification in defense of her credit report being so displeasing.  Due to her co-signing for a relative who had not honored his repayment agreement, the negatives were recorded, reducing her score to the low 500's.  She continued ...
Today, the rain came...Today, the rain came down at a pace with determined repetition, relentless in it's ambition to wash away all traces of remembrance of every opponent in it's path.   It's purging cleansing downpour was sent to search under, over, through, and in between secret places of hoar...
With the wind chill factor being 2 below, and an actual temperature of 14 degrees, if one is not acclimated to the weather in the Midwest, they'd head for the nearest island in the South Pacific from just the THOUGHT of the frigid cold nearing it's way!  Here, in Illinois, we adjust, for we have ...
OK, so the deal did NOT go through because at the last minute_________________________(YOU fill in the blank!)  You were tasting that money weren't you?  Your plans were to pay that bill, stock up on supplies, get someone a gift, etc.... (Of course, it NEVER entered your mind to do something for ...

Diane Rice

local_phone(708) 862-7423
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Rice Property Management & Realty, LLC