Well spring is here...where is everyone? I realize that it has been a very cold winter and people are probably rushing to the beach to get some warm weather. However, in our neck of the woods, the lookers/buyers usually pop their heads up this time of the year. This may be just a continuing si...
Just out of the blue I received an email from someone who I had met back in January of 2007 at an Open House. Throughout the years since then, I have sent emails and flyers on homes in our community, but never heard a word from him. So after 3 years here he is looking for a house. I guess we sh...
I read a recent article in the AARP Newspaper (yes I am old enough to receive one) that stated the Boomer generation is staying in place. They are not moving South or out of their homes they have lived in for many years. What does that mean to the real estate market? Well, if this had occurred...
Have you ever heard the expression used in the news media world "when it bleeds it leads"? They love when things are in turmoil because negative headlines attract more viewers than positive. I don't believe a news station could survive if all they reported on was good news. This past year is a ...
Am I the only one finding the loan process frustrating? I am happy to have clients who can apply for loans, but God help them if it is for a piece of land. At thismoment I am working diligently with a bank, which I will not name, that my client's have applied to for a lot loan. The process is ...
In watching the morning news it appears that many are waiting to hear what the President will have to say at tonights State of the Union Address. The polls give predictions based on voter dissatisfaction with the overall economic conditions enveloping our nation. The news went on to report the ...
I just bought a Flip Camera and find it very useful in this line of work. Have any of you had any success intergrating it into your marketing? There has to be a ton of ideas for how to use this. It is amazing how techlogy has changed so much these past years. I don't want to date myself, but ...
This past week I attended a Continuing Education course on changes in the 2010 contracts. It was very informative, but I also learned information I didn't know from the Instructor that will help me with future contract negotiations. What I came to realize is, we shouldn't look upon Continuing Ed...
I was on my Facebook yesterday and noticed a friend of mine posted Facebook is going to start charging $3.99 a month for this service. With newspapers and magazines dwindling, the advent of internet marketing and socializing has taken over a large portion of advertising in our business. My que...
I recently attended a Continuing Education Class on the new 2010 GAR forms for our state, and sat next to a woman who has owned a very successful real estate company for 29 years. As we discussed our ever changing industry, she said somethng very interesting that made me stop and think. She sai...