The IXACT Contact Real Estate Contact Management & Marketing Blog

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Real Estate Technology - IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM
Enjoy our tips and ideas on how to create a successful referrals-based business using a real estate CRM. Keeping in touch, building relationships, generating new leads, and staying organized and in control - we cover it all, and more! The blog posts are written by myself and other members of the IXACT Contact team.
As a real estate agent, you know how powerfully important good relationships are for your business. It’s critical that everyone from your prospects to your past clients feel heard in order for you to be your most successful. But how do you really build those long-term relationships that keep comi...
As a real estate agent, there are a lot of things you “should” do that you hear over and over again. You should keep in touch with past clients. You should have aresponsive website. You should up your database. But that isn’t very helpful if no one is telling you how or why. So we’re going to hel...
As you start out in the world of real estate sales, a lot of information is coming at you. There are so many things you’ve been told you need to do, and you are still just trying to get your business going. It can all be a bit overwhelming. The good news is that while a real estate CRM is definit...
So you have your social media accounts set up and you try to post content on a somewhat regular basis. But are you really getting any benefit from your social media efforts? There are some specific ways your real estate business could be bolstered by social media, and they are simpler than you mi...
Like many others, prior to the new year, you compile a list of resolutions, or goals you will work to accomplish once the clock hits twelve. Unfortunately, many of those new year’s resolutions fade away. Goals like hitting thegym a few times a week, eating healthier, saving money and become less ...
It’s that time of the year again, only this year it’s a bit different. This year, online shopping is at its peak. Food delivery services are also busier than ever. On top of that, virtual get-togethers have replaced large gatherings. The common denominator of all of this? Everyone is resorting to...
Getting a real estate CRM is easy. In fact, it is so easy, that it is just a few clicks away. The steps following that are simple too, especially with a good real estate CRM. With the help of an easy set-up wizard, concierge call, and webinars, you are well on your way to getting your real estate...
It’s easy to get caught up in the workday and just have no time to yourself. You often find yourself thinking about what you would do if you had an hour or even 30 minutes to yourself. Here are a few best practices that can follow to help your business, even during your FREE time.1. Breathe, medi...
When it comes to keeping in touch with your contacts, it’s no easy feat. Especially if these contacts are past clients of yours. Combine that with all of your other daily responsibilities and that could lead you down a very overwhelming path. However, it is important to maintain and nourish those...
Real estate agents appreciate word-of-mouth advertising as much as anyone. Most agents have at one time received a call from someone who heard about them through a friend. So real estate agents have seen firsthand the power of the positive word-of-mouth to produce leads.On the web, that word-of-m...

Rich Gaasenbeek

Real Estate CRM & Marketing Made Easy!
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Enjoy our tips and ideas on how to create a successful referrals-based business using a real estate CRM. Keeping in touch, building relationships, generating new leads, and staying organized and in control - we cover it all, and more! The blog posts are written by myself and other members of the IXACT Contact team.