Have you ever been to a presentation where the speaker used "me" and "I" incorrectly in both speech and presentation? I have. I have even done it in times past. Do you ever slow down a second and wonder whether to use "I" or to use "me"? Here's the deal with I and me and it's really not as hard a
One day we'll stop talking about how great it was - how those seven figure years were so wonderful. When we do we'll get back to the business of pleasing others, putting others above ourselves, worrying more about our buyers and sellers than we do learning how to do a little SEO, a little Social
Yesterday I was at an event with a group of my favorite REALTOR organizations and, as always, the chat eventually turned to how crappy some other lender is. I was listening, politely, and understanding some things the agent may not have understood about how loans can get askew during the process
By the way, baby steps are only easy for people who have already learned to walk. Most babies fail dozens or hundreds of times before they can even walk across the room. Be patient, keep trying. I asked on The Hip Roof Radio last night what I can do better for attendees of the seminars and events
"I am number one on Google", she proclaimed proudly. "For which keywords are you number one?" I had to know. Of course we all know what is coming, "For my name!" Which is? "Alavedia Vaazteroves." Sure, that's a silly intro yet it does paint the picture. Unless our very fictitious Alavedia has som
It has come to my attention that Social Media Edge has had only about 100,000 listeners because it is not widely understood what it is. When questioning a few people I trust who are not regularly listeners it was soon obvious they had no idea what the 3 year old podcast is about. When I stared
Granted the chosen words do not make the classiest of titles but I may or may not have a bone to pick. In part I do but it is only from my personal experience and interaction with my clients and friends which inspired this short article. Surely I have trusted enough of the wrong people in my life
Real estate agents want to either list or sell homes Oddly enough a few are listing or selling as much as they would like. Most of them are not coaches, gurus or guides. Many of them, however, have consulted with a professional to improve their technique and results. Ah, but that is so inconveni
You have heard it, you've read about it, people who appear to know stuff have told you: the digital revolution is unwired and if you don't feed it what it needs to exist it will move on without you. When is this going to happen? It's already, almost, so last year. We cannot imagine the resistance
We talk about WordPress often. I've been involved in the WP program for about 5 years and have seen "experts" come and go. Generally they come, make a mess, get discovered, then disappear. So is the person you are paying to install and "customize" WordPress really a necessary expense? Probably no