Virtual tours are of great benefit to Sellers! They can help sell your home! I think everyone would agree that the Internet is not only the way of the future, but is becoming the norm. Reports show that nearly 80% of home buyers begin their search on the web. Virtual tours can offer a new dimensi
Okay! Lets start with Buyers and five ways that a Virtual Tour can help you... First, AND A HUGE BENEFIT, you save gas! With gas prices hovering around $3 a gallon, it makes sense to let your online fingers do the driving! Secondly, you can Tour homes that interest you anytime, day or night. Thir
When everyone has a chance, I would appreciate it if you would check out my Virtual Tour website. The link is . As you will see, these tours are more than just spinning pictures. This site does require a high speed connection and be sure to turn your speakers on. I wi
Hi! I'm Dave Buchanan with ReMax Excellence. I set this BLOG up to see if there is interest from Licking Countians in the local real estate market. I will post local information as it comes available, and will do my best to answer your questions. Stay tuned as my next post will concern using Virt