It Costs MONEY to Buy a Home I hate to break it to buyers. . . but it costs money to buy a home. Long gone are the days that all a buyer had to do was breath on their loan documents and get the key to their home. Loans are harder to obtain. Appraisals are tight. Still . . . "borrowing" money is q...
Metro Portland Market Report - Comparing SOLDS This graph was compiled to show the Portland Metro area SOLDS in a 5 year period comparing the closed sales in Metro Portland Marketfor the months of OCTOBER. The details include detached residential. They DO NOT include condos or new construction. M...
This is hilarious, and quite befitting for Wordless Wednesday. Just thought I'd toss out a little "HO HO HO" to kick the season off with a smile! I know . . . I know . . . we've not even made it through Thanksgiving yet. But let's all try to be forward thinkers . . . and many think Thanksgiving ...
Tigard Condo Is My Pick This Week Each week I post a pick that meets what I like to see in a property: price, condition and location. As an Exclusive Buyers Agent, I don't take listings . . . but love to share my "insiders" knowledge as a Buyers Agent to people who might be looking in the Tigard ...
I don't answer ALL questins posted on Trulia -- if anybody cares, here's why. And let me preface this by saying, Trulia is all right by me. I've picked up clients by answering questions . . . just not all of them. I believe in the law of Real Estate Agency. In that I mean, that I don't like to c...
Welcome to Portland's Southern Neighbor - Tigard Oregon The City of Tigard The City Tigard Oregon is a great place to call home! Located 10 miles south of Portland, Tigard is a hybrid community that has everything a large city has to offer but still feels like a small town. The City of Tigard has...
The Background: Once upon a time I had clients who were first-time buyers. I met them and we discussed the buying process. They were a lovely young couple, didn't require much when it came to their price point . . . matter of fact, they were looking for something UNDER $150,000. The price poin...
Portland Housing Market Report October 2011 This report is based on Portland Housing in Area 148, which comprises the West Portland area. Portland Housing Price Ranges That Are Selling It's pretty clear from the graph that price ranges of $160,000 to $299,999 are doing quite well in both CLOSED S...
Portland Housing: October 2010 vs. October 2011 The information is based on comparing the October 2010 activity in the Metro Portland Housing Real Estate Market to October 2011 activity. It is not a year-to-date comparison. The chart really says what I've been thinking . . . Inventory in the Metr...
The City of Beverton ~ Beaverton Community Vision Thanks to Paula Hamilton-McDonald's November Active Rain Challenge, I started thinking about what I'm thankful for. Those people, places and things that make up my Attitude of Gratitude are so vast and varied . . . this was a toughie. I starte...