Carla Muss-Jacobs, RETIRED

Industry Observer - RETIRED / State License is Inactive - Inactive License Oregon



I don't normally re-blog LOCALISM posts, but this one is truly worth it!  Read the content, and I think you'll agree, Andi Grant is a good example of HOW TO write a brilliant post!!  "When buying in a historical district, you are signing on to not only preserve history, but to be a part of it.  ...
In a recent blog post by Jon Zlosky It is So Easy Now to Buyer Real Estate on . . . . Really?  He writes, in part:  "Here is what you have chosen off the A unit in the property where the management company walked away a few months ago and the front desk is closed. There a...
Supra Lockbox Activity Week Ending 3/21/10 NOTE:  The Supra Lockbox is the magic access key that allows agents to open the doors on listed property.  It also keeps statistics, and as you can see, there has been a DECREASE in activity for Oregon, which also includes Portland, OR real estate activ...
When I meet with a potential client, I can spend over an hour in a consultation -- detailing the current, local market, explaining the buying process, how my real estate practice is set up, etc. During the conversation, I tell people that there are three key elements that make a transaction go sm...
Short Story #1:  Last summer I received a call, "EBA Portland, this is Carla," is how it started off. "Hi Carla, this is XXXXXXX, and you're under me on Active Rain." I'll never forget how that conversation started, because I'm not under, or beneath anyone.  Was it that XXXXXXX had more Active Ra...
There is a great article about Timberline Lodge, which is nestled on the south of Mt. Hood.  The photos are amazing, and the article is a good read too! Inside America's Iconic, Unique Ski Lodge by Thom Patterson.  Photo #3 in this article shows what the place looks like in the winter! Mt. Hood o...
SWF South Waterfront Community Series Sustainable Organic Gardening March 24th -- 6:00 to 8:00 PM FREE -- OPEN TO THE PUBLIC The SWF -- South Waterfront Community always has some of the nicest presentations.  I've not been keeping up with them, but plan to do so with future posts. South Waterfron...
Supra Lockbox Activity Week Ending 3/14/10 NOTE:  The Supra Lockbox is the magic access key that allows agents to open the doors on listed property.  It also keeps statistics, and as you can see, there has been a DECREASE in activity for Oregon, which also includes Portland, OR real estate activ...
When I was in Jr. High School I walked into my 3rd period English class and first heard the words Vernal Equinox.  The teacher, Mrs. Torkelson -- and I'm not making that name up, and what a prefect name for an English teacher! -- had just come back into her classroom.  We had 1st and 2nd periods,...
On March 29, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. The Council on Women and Girls is hosting a symposium which will include a lot of heavy hitters of the financial world. Partnering with the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, this event is a great opportunity for involvement -- especially . . . well, for wo...

Carla Muss-Jacobs, RETIRED

local_phone(503) 810-7192
smartphone(503) 810-7192
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