Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteSolon City Council had a first meeting in the month of March on Monday, 03/04/19 at 7:30 PM. Solon Civil Service Commission had a meeting on Wednesday, 03/06/19 at 4:15 Pm. Solon Public Works Committee had a meeting on the same day at 6:00 PM. There was a medi
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteCleveland Herights City Council had a first committee of the whole meeting in the month of march on Monday, 03/04/19 at 6:15 PM. Cleveland Heights City Council had a first regular meeting in the month of March on the same day at 7:30 PM. Cleveland Heights Arch
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteMaple Heights City Council had a first meeting in the month of March on Wednesday, 03/07/19 at7:00 PM. There was a medium level of activity on the Maple Heights real estate market this week. 5 single family homes were listed for sale. 3 single family homes wer
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteThe Cuyahoga County is going to be replacing the Main St bridge over the 2 year period, from 2019 to 2020. Construction is planned to start in June. The Village of Chagrin Falls Architectural Review Board had a meeting on Tuesday, 03/05/19 at 8:30 AM. Chagrin
Visit Local-n-Global" Realty websiteLyndhurst City Council had a first meeting in the month of March on Monday, 03/01/19 at 7:30 PM. CPR Class occured on Wednesday, 03/06/19 at 6:00 PM. in the Lyndhurst Community Center. Lyndhurst Finance Committee had a meeting on Thursday, 03/07/19 at 6:00 PM.
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteCity of Shaker Heights Civil Service Commission had a meeting on Wednesday, 02/27/19 at 3:00 PM. Shaker Heights Landmark Commission and Shaker Heights Architectural Review Board had a joined meeting on the same day at 7:00 PM. Weekly "Parents Night Out" event
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteCity of Twinsburg Finance Committee had a meeting on Tuesday, 02/26/19 at 5:30 PM. Twinsburg City Council had a second caucus meeting in the month of February on the same day at 7:00 PM. Twinsburg City Council had a second regular meeting in the month of Febru
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteCity of Solon Planning Commission had a meeting on Tuesday, 02/26/19 at 7:30 PM. Solon City Council had a first meeting in the month of March on Monday, 03/04/19 at 7:30 PM. There was a low level of activity on the Solon real estate market this week. 4 single
Visit " Local-n-Global" Realty websiteCleveland Heights City Council had a weekly committee of the whole meeting on Monday, 02/25/19 at 6:15 PM. There was a high level of activity on the Cleveland Heights real estate market this week. 16 single family homes, 1 two family home, 5 condominiums and
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteThere was a medium level of activity on the Maple Heights real estate market this week. 12 single family homes were listed for sale. 2 single family home were listed for rent. 2 single family home listings were returned to market. 4 single family home listings