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The RealMan blog is about Minot ND. The RealMan blog is North Dakota's longest running and most read blog about Minot ND.
As much as one may wish there is no way a human can hibernate for the 6 months of a North Dakota Winter. If you could the last 3 days would have been a good time to start.The photo above was from Thursday morning after we received 4" to 6" of snow overnight. Then we received more snow and an abun...
I love getting in more nap time because of a holiday but I sure wouldn't want to sleep right through one. I think my all time sleep record came when I was 15 and I had mononucleosis. I slept 20 hours straight through.If you are looking to purchase Real Estate you don't want to be represented by a...
Despite all the grumbling about the world capitalizing on Christmas and that now Black Friday seems to be two weeks ahead of Thanksgiving I'm going to say the actual day comes way to fast!I have not bought any gifts nor have I sent out any cards and yet the day is so close I stand catatonic, tota...
This time of year it's hard not to break out in song. Often we sing for and in the joy of traditional Christmas Carols. Sometimes in the merriment of twisting and old carol as kids do/did with a song like We Three Kings.We have been listening to the sounds of Christmas since Thanksgiving in our h...
I don't remember being overly curious about my gifts under the tree and in the house I grew up in the stocking were not hung until Christmas Eve night. In our house we hang the socks up after Thanksgiving so we can put little treats in them right up to Christmas morning.My sister on the other han...
This past Saturday we drove to Garrison North Dakota to partake in The Dickens Festival, the official Christmas Capital of North Dakota. This event is an all weekend event held the last week of November and each December weekend preceding Christmas. The event is 30 years old and it gets bigger ev...
I am NOT for mandatory shots and I am embarrassed to admit I got the first two covid19 shots because of the fake news outlets and the outgoing administrations fear campaign. That being said, I am a senior and I usually get the flu vaccine.Remember shots in school? The opening scene from my favori...
Timmothy's cartoon reminded me of the old cartoon, George Of The Jungle. I never saw the movie but watching the trailer above I just might have to. On occasion I enjoy stupid movies if they make me laugh. I think this one just might do it as I did like the cartoon as a kid.  
As children we are taught "Don't play with your food". I wonder now if that is the first stifling of our desire to be creative? What if that first hand slap was the end of a child's creative desires? Maybe Michelangelo's  greatest creations started as mashed potatoes.I believe Real Estate profess...
A little sadness in the air. A 40 year tradition of giving food and toys to the poor in Minot ND has ended. The local Christian radio station, KHRT, closed this past Spring and with it the Horn of Plenty ministry went by the wayside. Over 12,000 families were served through The Horn of Plenty.No ...

Bob "RealMan" Timm

Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
local_phone(701) 720-8513
smartphone(701) 720-8513
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