Quilting is rapidly becoming a hobby that many men are finding as a gret was to express their artistic abilities. Chelce Detert tells us about NEW product and NEW classes at Creative Dimensions and Quilting Academy in Minot ND. Quilting is an ART, a visual art, and because it is recognized as suc
If you work with a Custom Home Builder like Tom and myself this is great advice to pass on to your Buyers. The Custom Builder I work with, Tivoli Custom Homes, receives a passing check mark on all of Tom's points.If you live anywhere in Western North Dakota Tivoli Custom Homes can build that perf
Let's NOT let the desires of the few override the needs of the many.This is a call to action for any/all Minot residents that can attend the Tuesday November 27th City Council Meeting at 4:15 to please come and be vocal.The item to be discussed is the expansion of Minot's landfill. A very small a
Today's the day at the Timm house to get the decorations out of storage and up around the house.While at first I thought of it as a daunting task it soon became a joy as one by one the memories came out of their storage boxes / tubs.There were items we each had before we married, items we added w
One of the things I've been looking forward to when I truly retire or even semi retire is playing with old tech. My top two choices are pre-Pentium computers and old stereo gear.I picked up this gem a few weeks ago (with speakers) for $5.00 at a thrift store. Everything works, even the 8 Track pl
It's a family day and a day of games at the Bob Timm household today. Starting out with a dice version of Phase 10. Tina kicked butt on this one. Luck was not on my side as I came in last place.Next, Pass the Pigs. This game has been around a long time yet I'm surprised how many people have never
I don't know what buffet this little fellow made it to but when I heard him chattering in the tree I pulled out my camera and he really started to "Ham" it up for the camera. I think he was telling me about the banquet and how he ate to much turkey.In a quest for entertainment and exercise after
Often on Thanksgiving we have plenty of snow on the ground for Thanksgiving. Then again every once in a while we wonder if we will have snow for Christmas. We have already had a bit of snow and cold but this Thanksgiving we are blessed with temps in the 30's and fair skys. After watching Ms Conge
I've already exceeded the number of entries allowed for Debbie Reynolds Thanksgiving Challenge- Post What You Are Thankful For but I love this challenge and I love thanking God for the enumerable blessings he has bestowed upon me.One of those blessings is safe travel.My daughter, Tina, loves to t
It's aLIVE!With huge thanks going out to Ron and Alexandra Seigel theTimmothyTimm.comwebsite is now live. Thank yous are also due to the many Active Rainers who have ordered the book and left great comments on my posts about Timmoth's book. Those who have asked how to get the book but have not y