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Services for Real Estate Pros - Ward County Notary Services - 607851
The RealMan blog is about Minot ND. The RealMan blog is North Dakota's longest running and most read blog about Minot ND.



Are There Any Dojos In Minot?I will be the 1st to admit when a client asked me this I had NO clue as to what he was asking.I pondered the question for a moment... was doh as in Doe, a deer? or was it dough as indough as in Joe's bakery?I asked again just in case I misunderstood the question. Nope...
As the title of the post suggests this is my entry into The ActiveRain 2016 Photography Contest, Real Life, Miscellaneous division hosted by Dick Greenberg . I am comfortable with either of the pictures below but if I have to pick one I will take the top one as my entry. The pictures were taken o...
This is my favorite Listing photo and you can see from the date stamp that it's a listing I had some time ago. This photo and the memories it brings to mind fills me with "warm fuzzies".It's easy to see this is not the fanciest, most expensive, or grandious listing I've ever had. It's a modest ho...
They are talking about 18" to 24" before it's over! We are in the middle of a winter storm here in Minot ND, the 1st of this season. Technically it's not a "winter" storm as winter does not officially start until December 21st and this is also not a blizzard because the temperature is to high to ...
In The Beginning... there were boxes.In The BeginningIn The MiddleIn The EndThis weekend gave us ample time to set up our Christmas decorations inside and out. While the inside consisted of empting out about a dozen of those big Rubbermade tubs the out side was much simpler with only two decorati...
We only had 3 closings this short holiday week (compared to 11 last week), in our very narrow category of stick-built single family homes within the City limits of Minot. Keep in mind that the title company was closed yesterday which left us with only 3 days to report. Of the homes that closed th...
The long weekend has allowed for more family time and for some families I'm sure that's a little awkward. Our family is not a family of TV watchers or video gamers... so what do we do with our time together?Break out the Monopoly We set a time limit on the game and it ended about as you see it. O...
There are a lot of good ministries out there, hundreds of them, maybe even thousands.I try to limit my giving to my own church but there are a few others  I support such as the Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and also Angel Tree.I like Angel Tree because the primary beneficiaries are children.I co...
I'm sorry but when I saw this thing  in today's paper I broke out in laughter. This is the ugliest Christmas decoration I've ever seen.I'm hoping that maybe this will inspire an Active Rain ugly ornament contest.Wouldn't that be great?Well even if I/We can't talk them into a contest I hope you wi...
I am thankful for the beauty around me.This is my 9th and final entry into Debbie Reynolds 10 Day Thanksgiving Post Challenge.It's hard to see the doom and gloom so many people are feeling today when God gave us so much beauty to enjoy.I enjoy the beauty of nature even when standing in a seemingl...

Bob "RealMan" Timm

Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
local_phone(701) 720-8513
smartphone(701) 720-8513
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