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Services for Real Estate Pros - Ward County Notary Services - 607851
The RealMan blog is about Minot ND. The RealMan blog is North Dakota's longest running and most read blog about Minot ND.



Early this morning I was in the back yard assessing what choirs I may want to do and I caught out of the corner of my eye a big bird coming in for a landing just to my side.I suppose my instincts gave me a bit of a "heads-up" to be on guard but it was really a treat to see it was just a Mallard d...
What a GREAT Sunday to be out with the pigs (guinea pigs, that is).Titus and Hershey enjoyed a big meal today (I restrained myself). I thought if I had 50 of these little guys I wouldn't need to mow the lawn... that thought passed quickly.My opinion... guinea pigs are excellent pets but I recomme...
Up North the Gardening Rule of Thumb is: Plant after Memorial Day.Today we went and purchased our tomatoes and peppers to plant into the garden we tilled and weeded last weekend.It seems really late after seeing some fantastic gardens and pictures of farmers markets on others blog posts but it is...
NOT a BIG Week for Closings in Minot ND The chart above is the total MLS activity for the week. This includes ALL types of properties as well as all cities in our MLS. The chart below is very restrictive as explained below.Today there are 265 homes for sale in Minot, ND with 143 pending sales. Th...
In North Dakota when you step out of the house in January you say:ooooh burrrI dare say that if you suggest to someone from North Dakota that they call Uber for a ride they would would look at you with a blank stare and wonder what the heck you are talking about.The word uber only came to my atte...
GOD has decided Minot ND will have an Active Rain Weekend.This is what the sky looked like yesterday evening around 8:00PM. At that time, if there were no clouds, the sky would have still been very bright and blue. As you can see in the 2nd picture the sun was actually shining in the West, keep t...
Clearing off my cameras memory card I came across this pick from last Halloween. We all have days where we feel like we are loosing our heads. If Real Estate is making you feel like you are loosing your head call the experts at National Marketing Realtors. We will see that your head is screwed on...
Let your Clients know where to get answers? On the home page of my website you will see I have a reference to Active Rain and also to my Blog. Active Rain is the World's largest Real Estate blogging site and it hosts my blog, which happens to be North Dakota's most popular Real Estate blog, The R...
About a dozen words into the local leadoff news story last night I told my Bride "those idiots had to be drunk". I was right on. Drunk or not these two men have to rate at the very top of the stupid list. Here is today's headline:So here is a tip: If you are already stupid you don't need to drink.
Even those of us with 20/20 vision can be blind at times.I've noticed that the longer a Real Estate agent has been in the Real Estate business the pickier most agents get... including me.This old dog got a very good lesson last Saturday.A few months back I took on a new listing that was in horrib...

Bob "RealMan" Timm

Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
local_phone(701) 720-8513
smartphone(701) 720-8513
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