MINOT REAL ESTATE 101 The Market on 03/03/2015 Spring listings are piling up! They are coming in pretty fast and furious. At this rate we can expect to see listing prices drop due to competition. If you are going to list this spring now is the time to make your home look better to the Buyers tha
Rock N Roll, Drugs and Death I remember as a teen, Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll was the rebels cry and usually said as a kind of "Badge Of Honor" in the 60's and early 70's. What a shane. Yesterday I was headed to an appointment on the edge of our MLS, about 45 minutes out. I slipped in a CD o
In Honor Of My Mother, Sofia It was 20 years ago this spring that my mother was killed by a man who thought it would be a good idea to commit suicide by driving his car the wrong way down the highway and crashing head on with someone else... he lived, my mom died. Sofia loved life. Her life was
Minot ND Real Estate 101, Where To Vote Minot ND has 4 polling (voting) places. Like my earliest map on lesson 1 of Minot ND Real Estate 101 the City is divided into fourths, NW, NE, SW and SE. If you have any questions please call the City at 857-4784. Your place to vote may not be the most con
Minot High School Baseball Affects My Real Estate Directly across the street from my home is the beautiful little historic Corbett Field baseball stadium. This old stadium goes back to the old Negro Leagues and White Shoes Jackson even played here. I have been looking forward to hearing "The Cra
I Took A Pig To School Today! Titus had his half hour of High School today. The school would not let Titus spend the entire day in school so I had to bring him just in time for my daughters presentation to her speech class and then take him back home immediately after. I got to sit in on the pre
MINOT REAL ESTATE 101 Welcome to Bob Timm’s, National Marketing Realtors, Minot North Dakota Real Estate 101, lesson 13, Heating Systems. The purpose of this ongoing course is not to teach anyone to be a Real Estate genius but to simply help you know the absolute basics about Minot North D
My rant on Straight Talk service. I have had Straight Talk service for several years. To date I have not had any problems with Straight Talk products… BUT… Straight Talk customer service is straight from HELL, not the Philippines as some may think. Sure, they talk with a Filipino accent but the
MINOT REAL ESTATE 101 Souris River as of 03/20/2015 The chart above is from the USGS website and detail may be viewed here. I don't pretend to know what all the website is telling me but it's easy to see that the river level had been falling but in the last few days it headed back up. Can't say
Linksys, Liars Liars.My internet was failing and I traced it down to my router, a Linksys. Called them for help. 12 months old, no service, no chat BUT they would sell me a new one... at half price... plus an additional 15% loyalty discount... and they would ship it Fed-X at no extra charge! Hec