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The RealMan blog is about Minot ND. The RealMan blog is North Dakota's longest running and most read blog about Minot ND.



DRIVING A MODEL T ON THE AUDUBON Driving a Model T on the Audubon is exactly how I feel using the dial-up service I'm being forced to use in writing this. I have been so eager to keep you informed and post personal pictures of the flood but I can't until I find a High Speed connection. I'm tempte...
WHAT A DAY! The Minot ND Flood Fight Continues. This is just a brief update on Minot's flood fight with a few personal notes mixed in. Please note that I am eager to show you some of the pictures I have taken even though if you have seen some on the news I would say a flood picture is a flood pic...
Up-Date from Minot ND Here is a update from Minot ND. More people are being asked to evacuate. Due to a large area upstream receiving 4 to 6 inches of rain over the weekend NEW PROJECTIONS are that the water will end up being nearly twice as bad as first predicted. International News outlets are ...
You all are probably sick of hearing about our flood battle up here in Minot ND but we really need your prayers now more then ever. The Minot dike system can withhold 11,000 cubic gallons of water per second. As much as anyone could imagine from The Mouse/Souris River. Due to heavy rains and rele...
          This last weekend was a long for me. I worked at my other job (Ace Hardware) on Saturday and sold lots of father day items. Ace Hardware carries Weber BBQ grills and all the goods to go with them. We sold about 8 BBQ grills that day and tons of power tools including hammer drivers, pow...
A FLOOD OF BUSINESS DURING THE FLOOD BUSINESS I have been so fortunate to be handling a flood of business during this flood business that it just seems funny to have such a blessing at the same time that I am facing the ominous presence of a situation that could wipe out a third of Minots' homes,...
CUCKOO COUNCILMAN! After my last post, Bob vs the Sewer #3, I received some interesting emails as well as phone calls from Minot locals who had some pretty interesting stories. The most interesting one I found went like this (to my best recollection): An influential fellow and his influential wif...
Bob vs The Sewer, Round 3 Bob vs The Sewer, Round 3. Bob won this round but not without a few wounds and the war is far from over. First thing this morning (6AM) there is a smell all to familiar to me, City sewage backed up into our basement... again. Call 911, get the usual wine, "What do you wa...
200,000 Points The Hard Way! Happy 200,000 points to me! Unfortunately for me I did not "Do It My Way" as the famous Frank Sinatra song goes. My way would have been a lot easier then the way it happened. I made 200,000 points the hard way but it has been well worth it as I am number ONE in the St...
VBS (Vacation Bible School) in Minot North Dakota Are your kids "BORED" already now that school is out? Getting on your nerves? Don't forget about Vacation Bible School! It's free, every church has it, you don't need to belong to the church, and kids LOVE it! While our kids only go to the one hel...

Bob "RealMan" Timm

Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
local_phone(701) 720-8513
smartphone(701) 720-8513
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