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The RealMan blog is about Minot ND. The RealMan blog is North Dakota's longest running and most read blog about Minot ND.



Hmmm, What Business Is This Company In? Yesterday I was visiting with some friends, 3 brothers, that are really really nice guys but not the brightest bunch. They all live together and they do each have good paying jobs. Some how we got on the subject of windows. They excitedly told me they were ...
Friday Fotos, A Time Gone By. These photos were actually taken on an AG listing I have. I am faciniated with the history of our Nations Pioneers and when I see a sciene like this I can see the children from 50, 75, 100 years ago playing in the yard and Dad braking his back doing chores and maybe ...
  WHAT IS FOR SALE IN MINOT ND AS OF 04/27/2011 Homes under $100,000   0 Homes between $100,000 and $125,000   4 Homes between $125,000 and $150,000   5 Homes between $150,000 and $175,000   3 Homes between $175,000 and $200,000   7 Homes between $200,000 and $250,000   13 Homes above $250,000.  ...
Confession Of A Do-It-Yourselfer I am not sure when the DIY (Do It Yourself) bug hit me but I know it was as early as the age 18 for me or even earlier. I'm guessing 18 because that is when I bought my first home and I found that hiring a contractor cut seriously into beer money (18 was the lega...
About 3 weeks ago I let you know that I hired a couple of students from the Minot State University Business College to help me get caught up and also to upgrade my technology. One lasted one day and the other, John, is still with me but struggling with all I've thrown at him from AR to entering l...
 The long winter of Midwest and Central North Dakota, has become a huge issue with spring thawing as rising water levels are getting very close to new record highs. This has made "Ace Is The Place" (Ace Hardware) and other hardware stores very busy in the Minot and surrounding areas. Ace Hardwar...
WHO STOLE THE COOKIES? WHO STOLE THE COOKIES? When I was told my daughter Tina was Alice from Alice in Wonderland in the 5th Grade school play I was really proud that my little girl was Staring in the play. Whoops, this play featured the star of about every children's book in the library (but I'm...
A Special Ball Diamond, Paying It Forward I just wanted to share with you briefly about a special project underway in Minot ND to help the physically disadvantage enjoy the sport of Baseball. The "Dream Catchers" have sponsored baseball for the physically disadvantaged in Minot for some time but ...
I Miss You Dewy When I was growing up, back in the 60's and 70's, in Fargo North Dakota we had a very lovable charictor named Dewey Berquist as our "Weather Man". Yup, Dewey was a Weather Man. Back then I had never heard of a Meteorologist. There were no Hotties in mini-skirts to keep your eyes g...
For Many Years This Was North Dakota's Tallest Building. It's Taller Then The State Capital. The picture is a bit deceptive. This is the Garrison Dam intake structure and it is 249 feet tall (taller then the 18 story ND State Capital Building). Obviously the bulk of the structure is under water....

Bob "RealMan" Timm

Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
local_phone(701) 720-8513
smartphone(701) 720-8513
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