In real estate, loyalty is critical. The real estate market is extremely competitive and you want to make sure your clients are loyal to you because they enjoy working with you and they feel you are looking after them. Making a good first impression or reversing a negative impression is all abo...
Yes? No? Why? Real estate transactions are legal transactions, which, by their nature, involve high risk. A new agent’s lack of experience in the field must be managed and mentored, to avoid grave infractions, which could lead to serious legal consequences. A broker is also responsible for ensu...
When you’re finally ready to prepare your first offer, you will probably be consumed with fear. Don’t worry, this is typical and happens to every new agent. “What does the dog do, now that he caught the car,” is a good way of describing the feeling. The first thing you want to do is to con...
What if its generally known someone isn't trustworthy or doesn't have someone's best interests at heart and you're reasonably concerned; is it ok to let the client know if you're doing it for altruistic reasons and not to purposefully derail someone else? IMHO, all of us engage and/or listen to g...
Here are some great pictures of pirate themes houses and other structures. Out of curiosity, what are some of the strangest/coolest/weirdest themed houses you've seen to date? I know there are some real oddities out there (just look at some of these ones!) but I know there are much weirder houses...
What are some considerations you might have? What's your opinion on real estate professionals sharing open houses? Have you ever conducted something like this, and how did it turn out? It seems like a really neat idea. Open houses are excellent opportunities for new agents to get leads and make...
If you want to develop lasting relationships with your clients, focus on excellent customer care. In real estate, this includes being available to your clients at all times, listening and responding to their needs, as well as staying in touch. In addition, you need to share with your clients what...
How did you deal with rejection when you were first selling real estate? How do you deal with it now? Rejection is part of the process; with any sales job or any time you prospect, you will encounter rejection. However, you have to learn how to take it in stride and not take it personally. What ...
If you are on the road with your client or when dealing with a seller, its nice to show good will by inviting your client to lunch or dinner. By interacting socially with your client or prospect, you can better learn their needs and motivation triggers to make a decision to buy or sell a home. Is...
I was actually asked this question a few days ago by a friend who was thinking about going into real estate. I told him he should talk to my dad, but it did get me thinking. With all the posts recently, I've focused on what it takes to be a Realtor and learning different tips and ideas to succeed...